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From the author: This article describes the causes of acquired allergies. For several years I have been researching this issue. All client names have been changed, examples of consultations are published with their consent. The article is posted on my personal website: Allergy is a phobia of the immune system, in which objects in our environment - pollen, dust, household chemicals, as well as some products are perceived by the body as hostile and hazardous to health. Even to microdoses of a substance that does not pose a real threat, the body reacts inadequately with a strong defensive reaction. As a result, aggressive cells secreted by the immune system to protect the body from the allergen attack the body itself. In conventional medicine, allergies are not treated at all. All that modern tablets can do is suppress allergic reactions for a short period of time: itching, swelling, rash, cough, runny nose, etc. But it's like cutting off the branches of a tree, hoping that it won't grow back next year. And next year it will grow with renewed vigor, just as your allergies return, which last year you tried to eliminate with the help of pills. And yet, why do some people have allergies and others do not? Why is one person allergic to pollen, and another only to oranges? For clarity, let’s look at the causes of allergies using examples. Allergy to honey. Alexey loves honey very much. He eats it non-stop, almost every day. And no one sees any harm in this - after all, honey is healthy. Gradually, the body becomes enough of it, and it begins to resist replenishing the reserves of such a useful substance through allergies. If a person does not know the measure, then the body takes on the function of stopping it, of protecting it from an “overdose” of even a useful product. After all, it has long been known that everything is poison and everything is medicine. What makes it first or second is the dose. When working with Alexey, the main task was to agree with the body on acceptable portions of this product. Allergy to mascara. Anna developed an allergy to mascara. While working with her, I asked her to recall the events that occurred during the onset of the allergy. Anna lives with her husband and her parents. That day, as usual, she applied mascara to her eyelashes, and during this process she and her husband quarreled. So much so that he decided to divorce her. Her husband left for work without her. And she, leaving the room, held back her tears and tried her best not to let her parents know about the conflict that had occurred. She wanted the support of her parents, but with it she would also receive a barrage of criticism about her choice of spouse. And she decided to remain silent about it. The conflict lasted another month. All this time, Anna behaved the same as usual and did not tell anyone about her pain. But if a person is silent and does not know how to talk about what a storm of emotions is happening inside him, these emotions look for a way out “in a roundabout way.” Often an allergy appears to what a person loves most, what he cannot do without, and cannot imagine his life. Every time Anna cannot put on makeup because of an allergy, and complains about it - seeing her red, watery eyes, all members of her family, including her husband and friends, begin to feel sorry for her and reassure her. Everyone around her who learns about her problem begins to sympathize with her. All those whose attention and support Anna needed during the conflict with her husband begin to show it to her during moments of allergic reactions. And in this case, allergies help. As a result, she receives the emotions she needs from those around her, but not directly, but through allergies. As a result, Anna and her husband reconciled, but the allergy to mascara remained. After working with her, she realized the true causes of her allergies and can now paint her eyelashes again. She is allergic to something unknown...Marianna turned for help. She suffered from a very strange allergy. The symptoms began in February of each year, manifested themselves in different ways and it was not clear what caused them. One year they manifested themselves as wet eczema in the neck area, in another - as...