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Every day, each of us is faced with the need to solve a variety of psychological problems and situations. And today I will talk about one of them and give practical recommendations for solving it, I hope they will help you. A case from practice in Khanty-Mansiysk. Somehow I wanted to show, using some simple example, how the Gestalt method works and what practical psychology gives to everyone who is interested in themselves. And she announced the group “Meeting Yourself.” About 30 people gathered with a variety of activities. And, you know, how touching it was to watch how the participants talked about what is really important to them, what is relevant right now. It was a moment of meeting your true needs, not a list of must-dos. I really remember one participant who was engaged in important government work, but really missed family weekends with homemade pies with her family. People feel unhappy when they move away from themselves, their true desires, experience a constant nagging melancholy and a feeling of dissatisfaction with life in general. This happens when there are a lot of obligations in a person’s life, the “need” prevails over the “want”, and they put what they really really want on the back burner, promising themselves that someday they will do what they want. But, unfortunately, the promise “someday I will do this” often turns into the “never ever” category, causing chronic fatigue, emotional burnout, apathy and even depression, delayed life syndrome. I'm sure this has happened to many of you. What to do in such a situation? As always, there is a solution. I offer a simple exercise to determine the balance between “need” and “want.” Take a sheet of paper, divide it into 2 columns. In the first, list all actions, deeds, messages from “I need” or “I must.” For example: “I have to work hard”, “I have to cook fresh meals every day”, “I have to save money”. In the second column, write all your “wants.” Now you see what your proportion between “needs” and “wants” looks like. What is more, obligations or desires? Do you realize your “want” in reality or are you just waiting for it to happen someday? If you have a clear deficiency of “I want”, urgently look for ways to add them to your life, otherwise you will end up with apathy, a feeling of being lost, living a life that is not your own, psychosomatic illnesses or depression. You can always start a new day in a new way, gradually making positive changes and life will become freer and better. Try it! Live “here and now” and remember: everyone can live happily!