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From the author: The article is a response to questions and reviews sent to the first part of the article. This article is a continuation of the first one, which aroused great interest. And judging by the reviews of readers, they are interested in the origins of improper upbringing, which leads to the fact that their children can become victims of criminals. Therefore, I am writing the second part - a more practical continuation of this topic. In this part I would like to give examples of how the foundation is laid for where a connection with a person with pedophilic tendencies can then arise. IMPRESSIONABLE PEOPLE BETTER NOT READ ANY FURTHER!!! 1 example: Recently, one client said that her friends and their acquaintances like to go to a joint bathhouse (despite the fact that families do not adhere to the nudist movement) with their two opposite-sex minor children and alcohol, and alcohol in the bathhouse is poured for everyone. I explained to her that, probably, our government did not just decide to include it in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Articles on punishment for involving minor children in sexual relations. Thus, the government confirmed the opinion of the majority of experts that citizens of our country who have not reached the age of 16 do not yet fully understand what sexual relations between adults are. And what if her friends also treat children to alcohol in a joint bathhouse, It is unlikely that such a pastime will benefit minor children. In addition to being useless, such a pastime can lead to psychological trauma for the children themselves, but also to the crimes specified in Articles 133-135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, because intoxicated adults can lose control over themselves, their actions, but also over their desires. 2 example: Here is a letter from a client: Hello, Viktor Valerievich! My eldest son, who is already 12 years old, still sleeps with me. It so happened that when he was little, he slept very poorly at night and it was easier for me to put him with me than to constantly run to him. As he got a little older, he began to fall asleep only when he held my hand in his, and this continued until he was seven years old. Now there is no need for my hand, but he still does not want to go to his room, to his bed. As you can see in this situation, the boy from early childhood was not used to taking responsibility, i.e. he is not used to fighting his fears, HE HOPES THAT MOM WILL ALWAYS BE NEAR. He already has at least a DEPENDENCE ON MOM. The necessary psychological work was carried out with the mother and son - after 3 months the son was sleeping in his room. 3 example: description of a family situation: Hello, doctor! We have a big PROBLEM!!! My daughter is already 12 years old, but she still demands that her father, my husband, wash her. Otherwise, she still seems to be a normal girl: she wears a two-piece swimsuit in the pool and on the beaches, etc. Since her infancy, it so happened that I work as a salesman, and I return home every two days very late at night. I periodically try to resolve this situation, but my daughter throws terrible tantrums. And our main problem is that my husband is a WEAK CHARACTER PERSON, and this is the source of many of our problems, but that’s not the point now. I ASK YOU, HELP ME SOLVE THIS PROBLEM - I am worried about my daughter’s sexual orientation. But this situation will be more complicated - here the father’s weak character is added to the daughter’s hysteria (in fact, without the father’s weak character there might not have been the daughter’s hysteria). Another problem (found out in the process of working with this family) in this situation was that such a situation suited both father and daughter - THEY RECEIVED PLEASURE FROM THIS STATE OF THE SITUATION! As it turned out later, the father washed his daughter only on those days when the mother was at home in the evening, and when the wife was at work, the daughter fell asleep only with the help of ORAL SEX. The wife did not pay ANY attention to the fact that the daughter obeys only her father, that the husband washes his daughter until she is 12 years old and is not at all interested in his wife as a woman. According to my wife, II WANTED A DAUGHTER, I GAVE HER, BUT OTHERWISE I’M VERY TIRED AND I’M NOT ENOUGH TO HAVE SEX. In this situation, the necessary psychotherapeutic work is being carried out - the wife wrote a statement against her husband to the police and now her relationship with her daughter has been greatly disrupted. And here is one of the responses to the first article: “Dear author of the article HOW TO PROTECT YOUR CHILD FROM A PEDOPHILE, I am a single mother and am raising little daughter, what should I avoid in raising her so that her personal boundaries in the area of ​​interpersonal relationships with the opposite sex are not violated from childhood? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR ANSWER." Firstly, in any situation you should avoid letting children see their parents undressed unnecessarily - even if a small child enters your bathroom or toilet room while you are performing hygiene procedures there, you should ask him in a calm tone to go out and wait outside, that you will be leaving soon. Secondly, regarding washing children - from kindergarten age it is worth starting to teach him so that he gradually washes himself more and more and by school age give him this function COMPLETELY. Thirdly - regarding beaches - often they ask the question: Until what age can a child be allowed to run naked on the beach? I would answer, the sooner you put it on, the better, and our ancestors, from the age of 3-4 years, trained a girl to be a GIRL, and a boy to be a BOY, i.e. already at the age of 3-4 she should have known what they can and cannot do as boys and girls. Fourthly, it is worth taking all possible measures so that children do not see, and until a certain age do not know about bed-partnership relationships parents, and sometimes there are similar cases: “At night, the 2-year-old daughter of the apartment owner came into the common-law spouses’ bedroom. The girl woke up and went to see what her mother was doing with her new uncle. The young people were having sex at this time, the man, being on the bottom, called the girl to him, sat her on his face (the girl was without clothes, because she was used to sleeping like that), and began to “satisfy” her with his tongue. The child’s mother did not react to this in any way, because... She believed that her daughter was small, and that there was nothing wrong with this - she herself sometimes did this with her daughter. It must be said that the girl’s mother herself was a victim of domestic violence and is still subjected to emotional abuse from her father.” Fifthly, explain to the child and periodically, depending on the child’s age, correct his knowledge about WHO, WHEN, WHERE AND HOW HAS THE RIGHT TO TOUCH IT - the teacher, in principle, should not touch you, unless in elementary grade you correct your hand if your hand is holding the pen incorrectly (although this skill should be developed already in kindergarten); the doctor can examine and touch you only in my presence; there are some parts that NOBODY (except the child himself) NEVER HAS THE RIGHT TO TOUCH - exceptions are discussed SPECIFICALLY; Discuss with your child what types of touches there are (hugs, stroking, touching, hitting, kissing, tickling, pinning, spanking, pressing, holding, etc.) and how they differ and what their purpose is. Sixth, give your children ENOUGH touching, communication (in all forms), conversations, spending time together with him, and sometimes it happens like this: “A six-year-old girl and her thirteen-year-old brother went to the cinema. Before entering the hall, my brother said that he and his friends would go to the back row, and let her sit where she wanted. The girl sat down in one of the middle rows. After some time, a man sat down next to her and began to gradually stroke her. The girl didn’t even resist - it wasn’t customary at home to be affectionate and gentle with children.” Seventh, GIVE children RESPECT[/url] of himself, his actions, his thoughts, desires, dreams. Show care and participation. Eighth, install PARENTAL CONTROL on his computer, watch TV with him. Ninth, be aware of your child’s interests, activities, circle of acquaintances, and the quality of his time. Tenth, form a TRUSTED RELATIONSHIP with your child WITH YOU, and then you will always sleep peacefully, and.