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Why do some children at school age read with pleasure, while others are not interested in books at all, and sometimes even cause negativity? Everything is laid down from early childhood!!! What can parents do now so that their child enjoys reading at school and asks to buy books for him? So, a few tips: Sing songs from birth, accompany your actions with jokes and simple rhymes. Read to your child from early childhood: rhythmic poems, nursery rhymes, and then short fairy tales. Perhaps at first the child will simply look at the pictures, and you will name them. Don’t be upset if the child doesn’t want to listen to you read, because the baby’s voluntary attention has not yet been formed! The main thing is to evoke positive emotions in the child, interest in the book, a desire to open and leaf through it. Make the books yourself. Let it be a very simple book, but made with soul, together with the child. Show it to dad and enjoy it with your child! From the age of 3, you can read fairy tales to your child before bed. Start with simple, short fairy tales, and as the child grows up, expand the repertoire of books (stories, adventures). Replace questions about the content (Who blinded Kolobok?) with questions that clarify the child’s attitude to the characters, the plot, his feelings, thoughts, opinions (How are you Do you think Kolobok should have run away from his grandmother? Why? What did Kolobok feel when he met the bear? Which of the characters did you like?) Imagine! Come up with a new ending for the fairy tale, change the conditions of the fairy tale (Kolobok turned out to be ruddy, but salty.), replace the characters (What would happen if instead of Kolobok there was a hedgehog?) Do not under any circumstances make reading a punishment. This way, you will not only not help your child fall in love with the book, but will also cause a negative attitude towards reading. Remember that the example of parents for a child is stronger than any words, therefore: Read yourself. Does your child see you with a book? What was the last book you read? Author: Elvira Moiseeva – family psychologist.