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From the author: This article was published in the 12th issue of the magazine "Wheel of Life" on page 30). Can be purchased at all press sales points and supermarkets in Ukraine. In Russia it is also possible, where - look at the editorial website. My third article (I already know) will be published in January in the same magazine. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GAME “MAKE A WISH” This game is intended for children from 9 months to 8 (the number eight is up, sorry) years. This is a computer game that can be played without a computer. Strictly not recommended for adults. Before starting the game, please read these instructions carefully. Remember - if you read it carefully, you will lose the meaning of what you are reading. The author of the instructions is not responsible for victory or defeat in the game - the child himself bears responsibility. Involving adults in the game can cause a loss of joy in life from 1 hour until you fall asleep. Rules of the game “Make a Wish”. LEVEL 1. Choosing a desire.1.1 Write on some piece of paper all the desires that you have (even the most secret, top-secret ones!, just then keep this piece of paper in a hiding place so that adults don’t find it). Don’t think about your desires, don’t try to embellish them - just fix them as they are. 1.2 Divide all desires into parts, for example into 5 parts: 1. About all sorts of goodies and about health, 2. About those toys that you dream about (well... a bicycle, an iPad, a car, an apartment,...) and about how much money you need, 3. About love (well, that goes without saying)), 4. About friendship (well, like, who do you want to be in the eyes of the children around you and adults), 5. About what you dream of doing (well, go to karate, go to the gym, change your profession, become an astronaut, a fashion model,...) 1.3 Count how many dreams you have in total. For each wish you get at this level a point. The minimum passing score is 30.1.4 Remember, there are three different types of desires: a) Desires forcibly instilled in you by adults - You carry them out with longing in your eyes, unable to refuse (for example, going to an unloved school, to an unloved university in order to graduate from them , to an unloved job with the goal of becoming a boss,...); b) Desires that arose in excitement - from envy, passion to have something prestigious, to get ahead of others (as in the fairy tale about the old man, the old woman and the Golden Fish) - such desires, when realized, bring short, dull joy and inevitable disappointment, and then again and again and again in a circle...; c) Desires that came UNEXPECTEDLY (You were blown away by how cool it was, it took your breath away), and WITH NO ALTERNATIVE - You clearly understand that this desire does not contradict, but takes into account all other desires - it fits exactly like a necessary puzzle into the overall picture. And there are no options - you have to do it this way and no other way! 1.5 Cross out all desires “a)” and “b)”, leave only “c)”. 1.6 Every morning and evening, take out your wish list, look through it, cross off what is already If you don’t want to, add what you want. And so on for 7 days in a row. Know that in this world everything is possible for You! - absolutely everything that your heart desires!! 1.7 And only on the 8th day, look through all your desires and choose only three - the most, most important! You have three days to make your final decision.1.8 On the 11th day! Out of three, choose one desire, the fulfillment of which will help fulfill the remaining two. This is the key stage of the game. Look through all the wishes and make sure that fulfilling the first wish will help the other two, and fulfilling these three will help fulfill all the others. When you succeed (as you yourself will understand) at this stage of the game, you have a very real chance of WIN! LEVEL 2. Preparation of Desires.2.1 If your main Desire is (see paragraph 1.4 of this instruction) type “c)” - you receive 50 points, for each of the other two main Desires of type “c)” - 20 points. The passing grade at this level is 90 points.2.2 Answer yourself like a boy - boy, honestly, what do you feel when thinking about your three main desires: 1. Anger, melancholy or sadness that you don’t have this yet, 2. Joyful, impatientexcitement from the hope of getting it, 3. Calm, pleasant confidence that you will inevitably have it, gently felt throughout your whole body (it’s like anticipation of something very, very tasty, which you already have and no one will ever take away – You stretch out the anticipation, which becomes more and more pleasant...)?2.3 In accordance with the rules of this game, only pleasant desires that you like to experience come true. And the longer the preparation of your desire in the kitchen of Fate lasts, the stronger and more pleasant your anticipation, like that of a true connoisseur and gourmet. The same desires that are colored with an unpleasant aftertaste of impatience or despondency... - fulfill them yourself somehow, on your own in your kitchen!, if you consider it necessary;) The present does not tolerate fuss. 2.4 I will now reveal the main secret of the game. Those innermost Desires that You like to feel came to You from the same place where they come true. This is the trick of Santa Claus, Genie and their colleagues! ;) Think for yourself, how else could they fulfill exactly your desire? - No way! First, they give you, in the form of an unexpected desire, what they are going to cook for you and go to their kitchen... And they always fulfill all your pleasant desires at the right time - there has not been a single exception!!! It’s just that if your desire has ceased to be pleasant... - You lose your sight and don’t see your already fulfilled desire on a silver platter and therefore cannot use it. This selective vision loss sorcery is simply one of the rules of this game. Immutable rule.2.5 So that your pleasant desire remains so and becomes even more pleasant - study it! More and more details. Immerse yourself more and more in factual information about what you want, find out the reviews of those who already have what you want... You must become an increasingly serious connoisseur and an increasingly sophisticated connoisseur of what you dream of. 2.6 Next point: You must clearly know in advance what you will do next with your fulfilled wish. This will eliminate the possibility of your disappointment with a fulfilled desire, which (disappointment) in turn can lead to relapses of selective vision loss! ;)2.7 Your Main Desire (see paragraph 1.8) is a knot of threads on which all other desires are strung, like precious stones of beads. Please combine this all in your head. The whole pile of Your desires thus becomes one. A sign that you have succeeded is the Joy of Life - you will feel calm and comfortable, like at home - almost wherever you find yourself, you will be completely confident in yourself and in what you are doing, you will not get irritated and go out of your way. yourself, when everyone else, caught up in something negative, is in confusion, you will often smile like a fool! ;) And fools are lucky!!!2.8 Background Joy of life helps to fulfill all the pleasant desires from which it is woven! LEVEL 3. Making a Wish.3.1 This is a bonus level! For those who have completed the first two, you don’t need to do anything here!!! ;) Genie, Santa Claus and all their colleagues have already heard You and are preparing for You what Your Heart desires, be it some little thing or something global! 3.2 All that is required of you is not to prevent yourself from seeing the fruits of your desires, which inevitably arise and gradually manifest themselves even at this moment. It’s as if someone takes out one puzzle out of a thousand that make up your favorite picture. You won't recognize her from this puzzle... - but still don't throw it away. Any events of Your Life from this moment are like puzzles - do not allow your mind to concentrate on them and evaluate them, because at this moment it does not see the big picture! GLOSSARY (possibly unclear terms) An adult is a person who, as a child, did not create a unified system of desires (see paragraph 2.7 of these instructions), as a result of which he irrevocably lost the Joy of Life, common sense and the ability to accept the fulfillment of his desires. That's why he doesn't]