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Why are you constantly fussing, nagging and indignant that your husband didn’t do this, didn’t do that? By the way, not only the husband. Wife, children, boss, official, president, country...😂 ⠀ Admit it, do you often say something like this? ⠀ Do you know that when everyone around is to blame except me, then this is a state of victim? The truth is...we can never admit this to ourselves. ⠀ I’ll give you a short list, and you go through the phrases and mark those that you often use in your life or something similar. ⠀ So! 🔴I’m tired of all this 🔴The child hangs on me all day long 🔴It’s easy for you to say 🔴Your head doesn’t hurt how to pay for a loan 🔴I don’t have the strength 🔴I’m lazy 🔴I don’t know what to do 🔴I can’t influence my husband/ wife/etc. 🔴The world is unfair 🔴I expect an apology from you 🔴Because of money, because of you, because of traffic... 🔴How could you do this to me 🔴I have to do everything myself, you are of no use 🔴He(s) doesn’t appreciate everything I do for him 🔴I won’t ask! Doesn’t he/she himself see that I need this! 🔴There are no normal men/women left 🔴This is impossible in our city 🔴At my age it’s too late 🔴It’s my parents who are to blame 🔴It’s all because of my mother-in-law/mother-in-law ⠀ Do you recognize yourself in these phrases? Well...you understand that if you marked a number, it means that you admit that you are a victim. Ooooh, horror!😱Let’s figure out what the benefits of the victim are. There are quite a few of them. Although you won't notice it right away. They are not obvious even to the victim himself. ⠀ The motto of the victim is that I’m not bad, life is like that. ⠀ Firstly, the victim has all his problems because of someone or something, but not because of himself. The partner/spouse, country, parents, children, etc. are to blame for everything, but not herself. Therefore, what is the demand from her? She does not bear any responsibility. Everyone is to blame, but I am unhappy, correct and noble. ⠀ Secondly, when you are a victim, you can be provided with sympathy and additional attention from the outside. So what?! Since my husband is so crooked, and I’m so unhappy, unhappy. Here's compassion for you, they will take pity on you and help you. So much for compensation for the lack of love. Let my friends hear, let my mother come and let compassion descend on me. 😊 ⠀ Thirdly, when you are a victim, you don’t have to try to improve your life. For what?! Usually, this is expressed like this: “Oh, yes, I know all this. I tried everything. What have I not done with my husband? Nothing works for me. Even my friend tried it and it didn’t work for her.” Negative experience is the credo of the victim. ⠀ Why listen to positive experiences? Because it is unprofitable. You may feel guilty. And then you have to think: “If it worked there, maybe it will work for me too? Maybe it's worth a try? True, this time it’s all more complicated.” I need to admit to myself that I was wrong. ⠀ And then do something again, get out of your comfort zone. Exactly comfort! In general, there is so much gimmick. Therefore, it is more profitable to focus on the fact that nothing will work out and that nothing works. ⠀ If the world were fair, then my life would be wonderful! ⠀ Something like this.