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This article will continue the story about a client case of dealing with panic attacks. The first part can be read here https://www.b17.ru/article/klientskii_sluchai_panicheskie_ataki/. In the last article, I promised to tell you which exercise helped my client make significant progress in her problem. I use homework assignments when working with clients. Homework is important in therapy. The client works with his problem only one hour a week in the psychologist’s office, and the rest of the time he is left alone with it. Homework can be aimed at helping yourself between sessions, at accelerating change, or keeping the focus on change. When working with Anastasia, I also suggested using homework. However, one exercise proved to be most effective for the client. During the consultation itself, I asked her to imagine the part of her personality that is afraid and anxious during panic attacks. Initially, the image of an iron vice came to her, then I asked her to imagine a person who is squeezing this vice. This person turned out to be herself, then we worked with these images and at the very end of the session the image of the vice was transformed into the image of a small white bird trembling with fear. Then I suggested that the client, as a homework task, imagine this image in her mind whenever she is worried and allow him to be afraid and shake with fear. Saying “I allow you to be afraid, I will not scold you for it.” This technique is called paradoxical resolution, it consists of finding a prohibition that is in the image and allowing it exactly what it prohibits the client. Clients with PA are often people who cannot relax and allow themselves to experience negative feelings. They feel like they always have to be strong and handle everything on their own. And emotions such as fear, fright, and anxiety went against this client’s idea of ​​a strong personality. Panic attacks are often a rejection of a weak, unsuccessful part of the personality. This technique, where the rejected part is accepted and supported, helps to gain permission to express natural negative emotions. The client performed this homework regularly throughout our work with her. Anastasia noted that when performing this exercise, she immediately felt much better, she experienced PA more easily with the help of this exercise. At the end of our work, the client left without problems with panic attacks, no longer with “imaginary” self-confidence, but with real reliance on herself and her strengths. Come to personal consultations online and in person, I will be happy to help you. Book a consultation 79226757563 WhatsApp, Telegram or private messages hereSubscribe to my Telegram channel