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From the author: Personal growth An acquaintance of mine, having several decades in the past and an existential crisis in the present, suddenly fell into “hedonism and self-development.” And being in such a vacuum of life, I decided to deal with all everyday problems with TASKS in one fell swoop. As they say - One! - and that’s it, like a new life has begun. So this “like a new life” amused his family the most. The members of which are also adults and earn their own money, that is, not dependent on daddy, they said - well, daddy wanted it, let him play. This folder, first of all, for a very tidy sum, signed up for courses on personal growth, got a notebook and began to write there all sorts of descriptions of what he accomplished, what he didn’t, evaluate himself so seriously, periodically call me to clarify whether he understood the next psychological correctly definition. This was all good, of course, as long as it didn’t bother anyone. But then he came to APOGEE. Another task from the trainer appeared: make a crown, put it on yourself and walk like this all day, doing everyday things, i.e. - go to work, fill up the car, go to the bank, to the store, to the sports club in the evening... even indulge in love in this very crown. I will say this - the task is not bad. This is a common task. Even more likely from the rank and file - what difference does it make what they think of you and how they look at you. But by putting on this crown, the man really turned into a monarch. And if he suddenly caught cheerful looks on himself, he began to rush at people: “You’re like that yourself, you don’t understand anything about personal growth.” I didn’t even have to overcome myself, but you will go to another world so dark. In general, he fought windmills all day. It seemed to him that the world was against him and he diligently pointed his middle finger at this world. Well, in the evening, my wife suggested buying a robe to complete the look, so to speak. To which he was completely offended and did not speak to his household for several days. I know from experience that some events bring people to their senses, usually not very good ones. So in this case, troubles were doused with ice water in one fell swoop. And now a new life really began, or rather the one that was only with new meanings and without the crown. Be healthy and take care of yourself, Oksana Levitskaya