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From the author: Each of us has moments of a stormy, absorbing outburst of emotions. Moreover, a completely insignificant event can cause this. And in any case, what is really important at this moment is to find balance and inner peace. Although this seems completely unattainable at this emotional moment. Each of us has moments of a stormy, absorbing surge of emotions. Moreover, a completely insignificant event can cause this. And in any case, what is really important at this moment is to find balance and inner peace. Although this seems completely unattainable at this emotional moment. However, there are simple and effective ways to find emotional peace. You can apply them sequentially or choose one for yourself. The main thing to remember is that they really work: You will need a glass of cool water, you should drink in small sips slowly, meditatively. You can choose any meaningful object that is in front of your eyes. This could be a book, a spot on the wall, a chair, etc. The main thing is to fully concentrate on the selected object and consider it in the smallest detail. Focus on your breathing, first just become aware of exactly how you are breathing right now. Is this deep, intense breathing, or is it, on the contrary, shallow and you are practically hiding? Then begin to even out your breathing to a moderate depth and calm pace. Then lengthen your exhalation, allowing yourself to breathe out your excessive emotions. Continue until you feel calm. As a rule, it takes 5-10 minutes to calm down, in the case of very powerful emotions, half an hour. But this peace is so needed that this time will pay off well for you. And the acquired skill of finding emotional peace will certainly serve you well in various situations. Finding peace is a lot, but the emotional outburst began somewhere, with some real fact or event. Now, having found emotional balance, you need to return to this fact, event and interact with it at the level of logic. For this purpose, questions are suitable: What really happened? Is it that scary? What negative consequences could there be for me? As a rule, the situation is objectively not as terrible as we can emotionally force it into ourselves. What really emotionally hooked me in this situation? A sincere answer to this question provides a pleasant opportunity for personal growth. It often happens that it is not this situation that really grabs us, but it simply works as a catalyst. For example, we are not very confident in ourselves, we are in a shaky internal state, and at the same time we receive from someone a negative assessment of our actions at this moment. Naturally, this leads to even greater destabilization, increases doubts about one’s well-being, and adds arguments on the topic of not everything being okay with me. Although the remark itself is unlikely to be so catastrophic for us. And in our equilibrium state we would hardly pay attention to it. This means I need to gain inner confidence. What will be a positive resolution to the situation that has happened for me? What will be a positive way out of it for me? What do I need to do for this, what should I do? Here’s a simple algorithm that will help you gain emotional calm in a short time and make rational conclusions and decisions for your growth.