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Quarantine. How not to go crazy... In continuation of the previous article, I am sure that many will find useful information about what can help maintain adequacy and avoid developing neuroses and panic attacks in conditions of forced isolation. Many people recommend staying calm and not panicking. Everyone already understands this. But where is this button called “don’t panic”? In order to remain cool, you need strength, resources, vital energy, and all of this is already in great short supply. What is happening to most of us today? We are scared, we fear for the health and life of ourselves and our loved ones, we are worried by uncertainty and the unknown. Fear constrains the body and blocks the flow of energy. This leads to the fact that blood, and therefore energy, does not flow freely, depriving organs and systems of necessary elements and oxygen. As a result, the body's protective functions are reduced and the immune system weakens. In order to feel this, stand on your feet and shake your whole body, legs, arms, and head vigorously for several seconds. Give your body a shake-up. You can jump. Immediately after this, you will feel how your condition will change, the blood flow in your legs and arms will improve, your head will glow, your vision will become a little clearer, your perception will be brighter. Do this practice as many times a day as you need. In this way, you will prevent energy and bodily blocks and clamps, strengthen the body’s protective functions, and help yourself not to fall into a passive state in which it is difficult to make conscious decisions. We can influence external circumstances to a very small extent. But our condition is completely in our power and we are responsible for it. Before we turn on the news or start browsing our news feed on social networks, we can think and make a conscious choice: spend our time and energy, direct our attention to reading endless news that drives us into panic, or do something from our list of things that develop us, fill us, give us strength, fill us with joy, making us stronger. In the previous article, I recommended reading and listening to news less often. Now I urge you to stop doing this altogether. 10 out of 10 people seeking advice either already have symptoms of PA or are very close to it. Forbid yourself from viewing, listening, reading news related to the virus (and this is 95% of all broadcast news today). Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe for how to stay energetic. This is where you need to get creative. Write a list of things and activities that bring you positive emotions, give you joy, and fill you. Analyze what from this list can be adapted to today's reality. Pay special attention to daily physical activity, which can be done in conditions of forced isolation. Turn on music that lifts your mood, dance, give free rein to your emotions. Try to listen to energetic, cheerful music. Meditation and prayer help a lot. Make them mandatory items in your daily plan. Watch positive films, comedies. Maintain information hygiene. Consciously avoid talking about the virus, quarantine and everything connected with it. Be responsible for your choice: you can dive headfirst into the abyss of news or dance, do a shake, do yoga, stand in a plank. By managing your attention, we manage our condition and as a result we lose or gain energy, fall into panic states or maintain a cool head and make informed decisions. I wish you all good health, balance and health, including mental health. Sincerely, Alika.