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In fact, in order to better understand the child, as well as the husband and yourself, it would be good to know these individual characteristics. Based on this knowledge, it will be easier to hear, perceive and negotiate in the family. Let's start by reminding ourselves Azov about temperament. In general, it is temperament that is clearly visible in a child from birth to 7 years, then it begins to develop into character. So, active and sociable children are often in balance - these are sanguine people. Sociable, but with an explosive character - these are choleric people. Children are calm, balanced and those who are less sociable are the children of phlegmatic people. And those who are more sensitive, vulnerable and less sociable are melancholic people. It is very important that melancholic people and phlegmatic people are by no means those who do not need communication at all. The difference from sanguine people and choleric people is that the former need communication with many children, they love to be the center of attention, while the latter need communication in a small group of 5-7 people and it is very important to have a single close friend. Some parents incorrectly believe that that: “Yes, you know, she’s a creative girl, she draws and is melancholic, she doesn’t need communication with her peers. Moreover, have you seen what 8-year-old children are like now, who do they communicate with? Everyone is kind of strange." As a result, the girl becomes an outcast, and serious psychological problems in communication begin - this affects her studies at school as a whole. The girl begins to "invent" external and internal reasons for not going to school - the so-called children who are often ill, or come up with the idea of ​​behaving so mysteriously that no one is able to solve this riddle - neither peers, nor teachers. It would also be good for parents to decide on their type of temperament, based on the indicated characteristics, in order to skillfully build the process of communication with their children and husband. (In the article dated November 1, 2017, that is, yesterday, I wrote about an example of what can happen with such a misunderstanding) . The characteristics of the leading analyzer are also an important psychophysiological component of a person, knowledge of which greatly simplifies and makes communication in the family and perception of oneself in the world more effective. Another thing is that if temperament is visible from birth, then the type of leading analyzer is very clearly visible from the age of 5, when the child’s talents and preferences begin to clearly manifest themselves. For adults, there is a simple, interesting exercise to determine this factor. I often do it with students and at parent seminars. By the way, when you do it yourself, it will immediately become more obvious to you: what features are already visible in the child. So, 5 simple questions: (better to do in pairs, you talk about yourself, the other person writes down, then change) When I was little, up to 7 years old, what did I like to do? For example, sculpt, draw, play motor games, look for a long time at what an object is made of, ... Which club or section did you go to and did you like it? 2. Remember the most vivid positive episode from childhood, what do you remember? Some people immediately remember images, some vivid sensations, and others, the words of mom or dad. 3.What mental actions are easier for you to do or how is it easier for you to remember information: listening, figuratively, or writing it down is best. You recently watched a feature film that you liked, what did you remember? You immediately remember images or certain words, dialogue, or, when you narrate, you talk about the actions of the characters. 5. Imagine you come to an important meeting, what will be more important to you: how you look and how they look at you, how you speak and what they say to you, your sensations and feelings in this situation are important, whether you are comfortable or not comfortable. So, I remind you of the characteristic features of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners: The visual type perceives information better through images, pictures, in his world there are many different colors and shades - a humanist by nature. The auditory type perceives better through hearing, concrete, schematic, in detail - exact, technical sciences and languages ​​are better absorbed and more