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- Olya, tell me how to understand these men? I am one thing to him, he is another to me, Zhanna recently complained to me. I don’t understand what the problem is, why doesn’t he understand me? It seems like we speak the same language, are we really so different! Just yesterday, I watched a video by Anthony Robbinson (a world-famous self-development and motivation coach). He showed the difference between a man and a woman in two minutes, I want to share this with you and Zhanna. “Who in the room has difficulty communicating with the opposite sex, raise your hands,” Tonny began his master class. Several people raised their hands, among them was a girl whom he approached. “Well, what do you have,” he asked? “I have “There is no man,” the girl answered timidly. “Okay, try asking me out on a date, let’s say on Thursday at five.” “Tonny, let’s go have dinner with me on Thursday at five?” - What are you thinking about now? Tony asked. - That you don’t like me, that you like other girls... - What did I really say?! “No,” for a man it just means no, and not what you women think up for yourself! When a man says something, he means it, there is no second bottom in his conversation. They absolutely do not like any hints and detours - What about. Friday evening, the girl laughed - Oh yes, Tonny answered. “When a man is in front of you, listen to the words (namely the semantic load), but if a woman speaks, look for the subtext. When a woman says “no,” she doesn’t always mean “no.” It could be: “I don’t know”; “no, but only for now”; “Yes, but not now”, etc. A woman is made up of emotions, imagine how a globe is constantly spinning in her head (not with a map of the world, but with various emotions), but what point, or rather emotion (joy, anger, fun, melancholy...) your question will point to, Even the one who twists it doesn’t know, that is, the woman herself. Why is a woman called a mystery? Just for women’s lack of consistency and logic in their answers and actions. Saying one thing, she means another, but does a third. No one knows how men can find the truth in this. Often women themselves experience discomfort from this. They told me completely contradictory things during the consultation. For example, a woman says that she wants to see a cozy, homely, modest man next to her, but she just can’t find him. When she begins to understand why it is so difficult to find him among a million men, it turns out that by this she always meant the Alpha male who climbs mountains and has crowds of fans. The discovery usually paralyzes her for several minutes. How can a man and a woman understand each other if they speak different languages? I have already written about the power of questions, and I want to return to them again. Men, ask women clarifying questions more often. Having received an answer from a woman, do not be lazy to clarify what exactly she meant by this? When a woman says she wants something sweet, ask her if by sweet she really means a sweet product? By asking a clarifying question, an elementary herring may be hidden under the sweet. Saying that “you haven’t spoiled me for a long time,” clarify what she means? You will be preparing a gift for her, and she may be thinking about breakfast in the morning. When you say “no” to visiting your mother, is she waiting for your “yes”? When you get an answer to your question, ask it again and rephrase it using different words. Dear women, when a man answers some question, you should not branch out the answer into circuits in your head. The best thing you can do is close the topic. Stop replaying his answer in your head for the hundredth time. Stop chewing this eternal brain cud. If a man says that he doesn’t like you as a woman, this does not mean: - that he needs time to think; - time to weigh everything; - compare you with others; - this does not mean that you have an ugly dress; - or an idiotic hairstyle ; -he is in a bad mood and you just need to wait. This means only one thing - you are not for him.