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As usual, self-esteem began its day timidly, looking around at others, while remaining in the shadows, trying not to “shine” and yet continued to quietly admire the courage and determination of others and dream of its master or the hostess, who will be the real winner... The girl, the owner of this self-esteem, woke up that day in a depressed mood... The day before, her speech at an important scientific conference was “crushed” to smithereens by the verdicts of venerable (and not so venerable) scientists who they accused her of insufficiently elaborating the hypothesis, low “reliability of the evidence base,” and haste with conclusions…. Their condemning words continued to sound in my head... In general, the state was vile. ... Looking in the mirror, self-esteem saw a tiny reflection, as usual, below the baseboard. “I wonder what’s down there, under that baseboard?” – thought self-esteem and turned her gaze to her mistress. ... Most often she was surrounded by the same small, timid, shy people with corresponding self-esteem. They quickly bowed to each other and hastily scattered about their business. Sometimes we met in someone's kitchen. Their conversations were short-lived, uninteresting, without arguing or defending their point of view... Her dad was a real rock in this regard, and her mother had a “near-plinth” self-esteem and with love and fairy tales passed on to her daughter the science of life: “Be like everyone else, don’t stick your head out.” , otherwise people will think...” That’s how the girl fared with her self-esteem. But deep down, both were romantics and loved to dream about courage, strength, excitement - in general, about an interesting and energy-filled life. And what do you think? Fate gave them a chance to gain strength and confidence, endurance and resourcefulness... It pushed them to a “spontaneous” and very unexpected decision of their own - to visit unusual, but tempting living conditions, - to learn (sometimes in harsh, previously unknown conditions) hitherto unknown, but amazing, - to try and test yourself and your capabilities in a matter that recently seemed frightening and prohibitive, - and at the same time get a buzz and indescribable delight from what you could do, did, albeit at a low level, YET at a low level! And it doesn’t matter what I did through tears of despair, disbelief, fear. And it doesn’t matter at all what opponents from that same ill-fated conference think... The main thing is – I CAN! There is so much energy, confidence, and pride in this! I’m no longer interested in what’s behind the plinth, now I want to rise higher and study what’s behind the clouds... If you suddenly want to increase your self-esteem and take the course “I want and will be a successful and happy person!”, let me know about it - support I guarantee. I will be grateful for your responses, clarifications, questions and subscription. Thank you for your attention! I look forward to meeting you again! It’s easy to sign up for a consultation: by calling 89170252242 (WhatsApp, Telegram) or on the B17 website. All the best to you! Sincerely, Natalia Fomina, psychologist, author of relaxation programs, etc. https://vk.com/psihologicheskapomoch