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Family conflicts occur in every family, varying in severity and meaning, but not a single family can do without them. At least once, there have been conflicts in the family for which I just wanted to say “Thank you, relatives!” Therefore, sometimes (and maybe often) it is worth protecting your family somewhat from relatives so that your family conflicts do not become constant. Conflicts happen in marriage, but the spouses themselves can be quite happy, of course there are disputes, disagreements or even quarrels, but this is family relationships, when a couple learns to interact in different situations, the so-called “grinding in” occurs, but when it is observed interference from outside, then family conflicts become more protracted and severe. Let's figure out how to protect your family from interference from relatives and is it worth doing? Let's start with the question: is it necessary to protect yourself from relatives at all and are they to blame for family conflicts? In fact, everything is simple, each couple lives according to their own laws and rules, they seem to “stew in their own juice” and successfully cope with the difficulties that arise. But even if they are not very successful at this, it does not mean that relatives (most often parents, or sisters/brothers) have the right to intervene and teach them how to live. It’s one thing to give advice or provide help when it’s really necessary, but it’s a completely different thing to invade someone else’s world with your “how it should” and reshape everything there in your own image and likeness. In such situations, family conflicts are simply inevitable, both between relatives and the couple, and within the couple itself, since one of the spouses will be forced to defend himself, and the other - his relatives. Therefore, the ability to protect a family from outside interference is a useful thing. It is advisable that both spouses learn this, and without mutual insults both with their relatives and with each other. Then, if family conflicts arise, they will be successfully resolved. Note: If relatives boldly invade your family, so to speak, “with their samovar,” then it would not be amiss to remind them that your family is your rules, even if someone then you don’t like them. If you are unpleasant, offended, or simply don’t need what your relatives are doing and saying, tell them about it. The longer you remain silent, the more you will be “eaten up” by negativity from within, which will inevitably affect family relationships and manifest itself in irritability, anger and aggression. If the situation with your spouse’s family gets out of control, discuss it with your partner, It will be easier for him to explain and come to an agreement with his relatives. If your partner did not support you in a conflict or dispute, do not rush to bring down “thunder and lightning” on him; perhaps it is not easy for him to distinguish between his married family and his parental family. It often takes time to learn to live in a marriage without regard for your relatives, to understand that any situation must be resolved only together, without interfering with any of your relatives, otherwise you will not be able to create your own unique world in which you are truly a family, and not just living under people under one roof. If, after conversations and discussions, relatives continue to persistently pursue you with their advice and interference in everything, you should think that the time for conversation is over and you will have to limit contacts with relatives. Both spouses must understand this and make this decision together, but only if family conflicts arise due to the fault of “caring” relatives. It is important to remember that love for loved ones has nothing to do with tactless interference in your life, with advice and so on moralizing, as well as “turning” one of the partners against the other (popularly “twisting”). Family conflicts due to the behavior of relatives often end in tears for the family, so it is important to be able to preserve your unique world, which only you and your partner create and only you both decide how and by what rules to live. Then any conflicts will be resolved, because this.