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Individual psychology of Alfred Adler is a direction of depth psychology, which is a holistic system of personality development that emphasizes the uniqueness of each individual and the processes by which people overcome their shortcomings in the process of moving towards their life goals .Unlike classical psychoanalysis, individual psychology considers the basis of character to be an innate “social feeling” that needs education. The main role in the structure and dynamics of a person’s behavior is played not by the unconscious, but by the human consciousness, not by biological, but by social motives. The main idea of ​​the Austrian psychologist and thinker Alfred Adler was that he denied the positions of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung about the dominance of unconscious drives in personality and behavior of a person, drives that contrast a person with society. Not innate drives, not innate archetypes, but a sense of community with other people, stimulating social contacts and orientation towards other people - this is the main force that determines human behavior and life, Alfred believed Adler. However, there is something in common that unites the concepts of these three great psychologists: they all assumed that a person has some internal, inherent nature that influences the formation of personality. At the same time, Sigmund Freud attached decisive importance to sexual factors, Carl Gustav Jung - primary types of thinking, and Alfred Adler emphasized the role of public interests. At the same time, Alfred Adler was the only one who considered the most important tendency in the development of a person’s personality to be the desire to preserve the integrity of one’s individuality, to realize and develop it. The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, in principle rejected the idea about the uniqueness of each human personality, exploring rather what is common to the unconscious. Carl Gustav Jung is the founder of analytical psychology, although he came to the idea of ​​the integrity and Self of the individual, but much later. The idea of ​​​​the integrity and uniqueness of the individual is an invaluable contribution of Alfred Adler to psychology💗