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How the human brain works. Without pretending to conduct an in-depth study, I will only repeat the reactions of a healthy brain that are relevant to the topic of universal human Communication. At the age of two months, the baby does not distinguish the mother’s face from others, but by 6-7 months the child’s smile becomes selective. Now he smiles at his mother and those he knows well, but greets strangers with reserve. This indicates the development of a socially important ability to distinguish “us” from “outsiders.” How the human brain works in later life - it constantly uses the “friend or foe”/mine-not-mine/like-don’t-like, possible or impossible technique with all senses, for example, this is how eyes work in a crowd of people, ears when listening to music, etc. d. When the body encounters physical trauma, poisoning or infection, the entire power of the System is included in the struggle (to return to its normal state). Any human emotion is accompanied by movement/changes in hormonal levels. The rise of a hormone triggers a certain behavior. A strong emotion—for the brain it is not so important whether it is positive or negative—is better remembered than a neutral one, which can be forgotten without wasting memory resources on it. So far everything is clear, from a medical point of view. Now let’s connect physics and psychology. Newton's first law: every material point (body) maintains a state of rest or uniform rectilinear motion until the influence of other bodies forces it (it) to change this state (Law of Inertia). “Everything that is in motion moves due to the influence of another. Without action there is no movement,” said Aristotle. Everything in the world is relative, dual, i.e. has both positive and negative aspects. You will find positive examples in the above on your own. I want to draw attention to the negative that interferes with the harmony of your communication, in order to exclude (eradicate) THIS from your relationship. Inertia of thinking is the tendency to preserve existing ideas. A person lives for himself, a lot of things are clear and familiar to him, but something “poisons” existence. First he thinks about it, then he looks for options for correction/improvement. He turns to himself, but finds no help there (in the brain) (the system already has a built-in model). Turns outward. And here the first reaction is the action of the Law of Inertia, i.e. in our case, a rollback to existing personal knowledge/experience is a denial of the new/unusual. Historical reference. The young American inventor Fulton once came to Napoleon and proposed replacing the French sailing fleet with ships powered by steam engines. They could cross the English Channel in any weather and carry out landing operations at the most unexpected moments for the enemy. Ships without sails? This very idea seemed so incredible to the great commander that he ridiculed the inventor. According to British historians, England was saved from invasion largely because Napoleon failed to properly appreciate Fulton's invention. In this case, the psychological inertia of thinking manifested itself in the form of a complete denial of a new idea without much evidence. How can “New” become “Mine”? Having received information about something new and unknown, we strive to find an explanation for it within the framework of our existing knowledge system. If it doesn’t fit in there—a “stranger,” it’s new—then attempts are made to somehow squeeze it into the existing system of knowledge or discard it. If a Person, being the “master”, insists on getting to know something new, then the brain “gives/agrees” (for now!). What happens next will depend solely on the strength of Desire/intention. By increasing the time and force of pressure of the “New”, you can make the new native, i.e. become someone else, for example, an alcoholic, or learn a new profession. “A good jump needs a good run-up” (proverb) Everyone has heard: start taking actions and repeat THEM for 21 days - a new habit/need will form in your behavior, i.e. new neural networks will be created.