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“I have no desires” or “I don’t know what to want” - these are the words with which clients come to individual work, not knowing how to understand what they want. Often these are people who already have everything: a car, an apartment, a family, a good job - everything that is accepted and should be for a person to be happy. But for some reason there are no more desires and there is no happiness either, and it seems that you can easily get almost anything, but how can you understand what you want?.... - Maybe this watch? - Oooh, no, it’s too impractical and expensive. - Or maybe rush to the ends of the world or conquer a mountain peak? - What are you talking about - this is too much. And it is unknown how my business will work here without me.... And there are an endless number of such “maybes” nipped in the bud. It’s just very scary to allow yourself to even dream... They are prohibitions everywhere, in childhood our parents forbid us, don’t go here, don’t do this, you can’t eat ice cream, your throat will hurt, you can’t go for a walk until you’ve done your homework and every time you “tread on the throat of your own muse” a person gradually learns to prohibit himself from wanting. And then surprise comes: how is it possible, why don’t I want anything? Why don't my desires inspire and give strength? The answer is simple: you denied yourself your desires for too long, and feeling the complete meaninglessness of your existence, they hid deep inside you, afraid to appear in the light, and what’s the point? Still, when they appear, they encounter resistance, prohibitions and ignorance... What to do? How to start hearing, accepting and realizing your desires? I suggest starting small: ask yourself the question: What do I want right now? Do you want to warm up? Great! Do it. Feeling hungry? Ask yourself: what do I want to eat right now? - and listen to what your body tells you. Take a piece of paper and write down all the wishes that come to you. If you want to eat rolls or pizza or something else, put it on your list. Write and defend a dissertation? - and write this down. Jump on the trampoline or take a walk in your favorite place? - And we write this. Whether it is appropriate or not is not important now, it is important to learn to accept your desires, from the smallest to the largest. The list can and should be supplemented by answering the question “what do I want?” every day. Start fulfilling desires from your list, gradually crossing off those items that are fulfilled. It is enough to keep such a list for a month for desires to become a part of your life again. And if after a month you hide your list in your desk and return to it three or six months later, you will be surprised to find that most of your list has come true and you can start a new list and get even more of what you want.