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If anyone understands that clients shower psychologists with manna from heaven all year round, then let them forget about it. A fable in the style of those where rivers of milk flow on the banks of jelly. I’ll tell you straight, at one time, yes, they pour in. Some are thinner, some are thicker. But in other times we survive at the expense of our former regular customers. I’ll start in the summer, perhaps. And this psychological season goes exactly with the calendar. Well, maybe in May he’ll start making trouble and the shit of September will start laughing out of greed. For all this time, people are turning away from our profession, because it’s babble anyway. It’s warm and light almost around the clock (especially in the northern lands). The seashore beckons you to plunge into the waves and soak up the sand. Fruits and berries are ripening and the meat is browning over the fire. In general, the problems have not gone away, but are hidden securely under a bushel of earthly joys and pleasures. Now we will talk about winter. And she, the villain, in her psychological guise is tight-fisted, bobtailed. It starts in mid-December (closer to New Year's celebrations) and stops in mid-February, as soon as the snow melts. But this is here in the south, and in the north it is sometimes delivered until April-May. Holidays: New Year, Christmas, Christmastide, Maslenitsa. The frost is severe, the mood is sleepy and drunk. If I don’t want to climb into a den, then I definitely don’t want to wander around with psychologists. Problems also seem to freeze, doze off, and take a break to rest. Spring seems to be good for everyone, but it’s not without its catch. When nature awakens around you, when every day it gets warmer, and your hearts become more joyful and at ease, the clients are separated into two herds. A smaller group (one out of a dozen) thinks: “Wow, the world is changing, it’s blossoming. I know, it’s time for me to follow him. Let’s see a psychologist!” But the largest group (nine out of ten) judge differently: “Oh, sunshine, spring, grace... Now my cockroach worries will click away by themselves!” And it turns out that in the spring, there is not a downpour of new clients, but a light dribble. We are left with autumn alone. And not all of it, but fiercely dank after the Indian summer. This is where our time is already fertile, the lands are rich. Now all clients are happy to stay with us. Except for those unfortunates who have completely given up on themselves. And others are very eager to survive, to survive, to be healed, when nature and the whole world seem to be withering (and the psyche along with it), preparing their souls not for a sniff of tobacco. So, it means that it’s not just chickens that are counted in the fall, but also clients ...And how do you get through the “skinny” seasons? And did I notice all the seasons, did I miss any? Your reliable psychologist, Oleg Kolmychok. Phone: +7 (964) 915-00-17 Skype: kolm52 This article is heartily echoed: 17 moments of autumn: an elite special arsenal against seasonal depression “Are the grapes green?” – 5 stages of maturation of a psychologist’s clients A stack of strong truth “for the road” for those for whom psychology has not helped To quickly and regularly receive all my new valuable articles, notes and recordings, subscribe right now! PS Each of your thanks inspires me to write new ones - even more interesting and useful articles! Thank you very much for your support!!!