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She lives in a world of chaos and confusion. She basically doesn’t want to put her things in their places. It infuriates her when someone makes a remark to her about the order in her apartment. Her things are lying around in different places: on a chair, on the dryer, on the bed and even on the floor. There is a chaos of papers on her desk. There are dirty dishes in her kitchen and used cotton swabs in her bathroom. And the toilet is not sparkling clean. There are “necessary” things in the corridor that create a narrow passage. Mom calls her a slob. From early childhood. And now this voice lives inside her and nags her at the moment when she is waiting for guests. We need to clean everything up urgently! What if someone thinks that I’m a slob! She knows how to create the appearance of a neat person. But this look quickly disappears as soon as she relaxes. Why does she live like this? Why does he prefer chaos to order? Why does it infuriate her when they make comments to her, if she likes to live this way? Because the external disorder corresponds to the attitude towards her absorbed from childhood. And now she “respects” herself so much that she can calmly eat among dirty dishes, watch TV while sitting in a pile of scattered things. Yes, she became a slob in her mother’s eyes at the age of 5, when she didn’t put away her toys and hang up hers. things neatly on the chair. I didn’t care about what I would wear to kindergarten tomorrow. She walked around with disheveled hair and a dirty dress. And I didn’t see this as a big problem. Only from her mother did she constantly receive criticism. The mother was ashamed of the way her daughter looked. After all, she herself tried her best to look neat. But her daughter gave her away. Mom herself was not very “friendly” with order, but she honestly tried to live up to the expectations of her mother and grandmother, because their home was perfectly clean, their clothes were always ironed, and their hair was tidy... Mom, just like her daughter, has a tough person inside a critic who reminds her that she is a slob if she hasn’t put things away and hasn’t washed the entire apartment until it shines, her skirt is wrinkled and her hair is not combed. She is in constant tension, trying to live up to the image of a neat lady. What prevents these women from just taking it and putting things in order? Why do they actually live calmly in a mess? Because when a woman puts things in order around herself, she thus takes care of herself, she gives herself attention, time, and energy. She creates order, first of all, for herself. The ability to devote time and attention to herself is manifested in everything. And in relation to her body, and in relation to her clothes, and in relation to her apartment, the place where she lives, rests, eats, relaxes. And this attitude is connected with how the girl was treated when she was very little . Were her feelings, her body, her wants, her needs respected? Or did they forget about them? The girl absorbs from childhood how she can be treated. What does she deserve? What kind of treatment does it deserve? And if she was taught that she is not worthy of attention, time and effort, then she will grow up with this feeling. And at the age of 5-6, the consequences of such an attitude already appear. And the girl does not strive to take care of herself, about how she looks, what a mess surrounds her. It’s so normal for her. At the same time, criticism, calling her a slob from her mother and other women leads to the appearance of an internal dissatisfied voice that does not allow you to relax and feel confident that everything is fine with you, you are normal. Are you familiar with this attitude towards a mess? ? Do you want to change something? What helps you cope with the mess is not criticism, but a change in your attitude towards yourself. Learn to respect yourself, your body, your needs, your desires, your time, your strength. Allow yourself to be yourself, accept your feelings, emotions. And then the world will also begin to treat you differently. Suddenly you will notice that people around you begin to value your time, your strength, respect your feelings and needs. And you suddenly want to bring beauty around you, put your desktop in order, because it will be easier for you to find the paper you need, and not for anyone - expects order from you. Clean up the kitchen because you will.