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Many questions arise in our lives and some of them are existential, for example: “How to find your purpose in life and help your child do it.” By the middle In life, a person stops and begins to think about the meaning of life. And especially over what brings him real pleasure, what he lives for. Many people realize with surprise and bitterness that they do not like their work, family and relationships do not bring joy and satisfaction. There is no understanding of what one would like to do, and most importantly, what can bring pleasure. There is a lot of talk now about purpose in life, how important it is to realize one’s abilities and talents, to find oneself and to do what was destined by nature itself. Every person at birth Nature generously endows you with some abilities, and in addition to these abilities gives you a dream and, of course, the strength to realize it. This is the purpose. This is what space has assigned you to accomplish during your life, to find a use for yourself, to benefit people, while enjoying yourself. When you do what you like and do it well, you will feel fulfilled in life. You will enjoy what you do, be filled with energy and generously share it with other people. You should know that every person is born on Earth for something. We come here to learn to love, to realize our abilities and potential. A person has two tasks - to realize himself and learn to love. If a person does not complete these tasks, he feels unhappy. Therefore, it is very important to realize yourself professionally and discover the ability to love people, a man, truly receiving deep satisfaction in a relationship. If you have not yet completed the first task, you are disappointed in love, don't despair. The Universe sends you trials and lessons so that you gain the ability to love. You understand that the lack of this ability led to the relationships that exist now or that do not exist now. If you could love, then... You will begin to heal and learn your lessons through the pain that relationships bring you. But you also should not forget that you still have to realize the potential given to you by nature. I think it makes sense to simultaneously heal the soul and look for your destiny. I was once asked what a destiny is. I think a destiny is something that you can do for a long time, without money, without thanks. If you find application for your abilities, discover and realize your potential, then you find the meaning of life. You understand your goals and see where you need to go. In this case, your every day will be filled with meaning, you will feel joy after you wake up and satisfaction before you fall asleep. Many people, having reached a certain age, do not understand and do not see joy in their life, do not understand why they live. There is no joy in the coming day. Do you know why? Because there is no love in their life. Not the love that comes with the appearance of a man in life, but the love that lives in the depths of the heart. They do not feel joy also because they do not have a job that would fill their life with meaning and bring joy. Why did this happen? They do not know about their abilities, which nature generously endowed them with, because they have forgotten what they dreamed of in childhood, they do not remember their favorite activities and games. They don’t know themselves, and if they do, they don’t know how to apply their abilities in real life, to realize them. To understand your purpose, you need to remember your childhood dreams and favorite games. What did you enjoy as a child? What did you like to do with yourself when you were alone? You don’t choose a dream, it is given to everyone at birth. Not only are we all born with a dream, we are also given the strength to make this dream come true. But parents rarely support children's dreams; most likely, they simply have no time to fulfill them.attention to children's fantasies. They simply do not give importance to what the child likes. They already have an idea in their head about their baby, what he will do, what he will be like. Everything they do is done solely out of love and desire for the best for the child. They simply forget that everyone comes to Earth to realize that what nature gave. The child, due to his age, dependent position and desire to receive the love and approval of his parents, refuses or forgets about his dream, because he does not see ways to fulfill it. You forget about the dream that the Universe gave you to make it come true. Out of a desire to please your parents, you replace your dreams with completely different ones, not yours. The child has no choice. He needs to be loved, meet the expectations of his parents, please them and meet their expectations. You give up your dreams, and make your parents’ expectations your dreams. You begin to dream not at all about what you really dreamed of in childhood, you achieve goals in full confidence that this is your desire. Only after achieving the goal do you feel a surge of strength and energy. This suggests that you were not achieving your goals, your soul did not need what you were striving for. You spent your time, strength and energy, which were originally given to you for your dream, on other people's goals. Your parents' desires have become your desires without you noticing. Having reached midlife, you don't understand what you need to do to have fun. Start thinking about why you came to this Earth. Everyone is born with their own destiny. EVERYONE! It’s just that not everyone knows and remembers about it. You need to find your goal, your purpose, find what will bring you joy. Have you ever noticed that signs come to you along your path? Learn to see them and trust the space. You need to relax and trust in order to receive signs. Ask a question, the answer will definitely come. All the answers are within you, you just need to relax and allow information from your depths to come to you. It all starts with a DREAM. Remember it. Ask yourself what your real dream is and what your purpose is. The problem with most people is that they don't remember their dreams. They don’t know at all what they would like to do so that their soul sings. They try a thousand activities and hobbies, but don’t feel what can bring them joy and fill their life with meaning. Finding your path, finding your purpose, finding yourself - this is the main task that you can solve if you are left alone. Without stopping, it is impossible to change direction and move forward. Sometimes you need to rest and gain strength. Look for your lost dream, remember what you dreamed of as a child. When you find it, it will be a very important step in your life. How can parents help their children not lose their dreams and realize their destiny? First of all, you need to get rid of expectations about your children. Every parent has an image of their child in their head. How they would like to see him, who he needs to be, where to work, with whom to live. As soon as you form such an image, you doom your child to an unhappy life. Stop creating an image of your child. Don't think about it. You just need to learn to love a child for who he is, and also accept him for who he is. Loving a child is allowing him to be who he wants to be, respecting and taking into account his desires, giving him the right to be himself .If you want to help a child become happy, then you should simply watch him and help him develop what nature has given. Watch your child closely. What he likes to play when left alone. Just watch and you will see his abilities and tendencies. Maybe he likes to play games where he transforms into spider-man and saves people. Think about where in real life these qualities can be applied, in what professions the ability to save people can be realized. If your child likes to tell interesting stories and entertain everyone with jokes and