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Dirty.ru is a legendary site created in 2001 by a native of Yugoslavia, Jovan Savovic. 000 visitors per day). The “collectivity” of the blog meant that anyone from the registered category could post a news/link/picture on this resource, and the quality of posts was ensured by the self-regulation of the news feed (posts that were downvoted by visitors disappeared out of sight, while posts that were upvoted rose up), and the elitism of membership - it was possible to acquire non-guest status d3 (and, therefore, the ability to add publications) only by receiving an invitation (invite) from an already registered member. And invites from registered participants appeared as a reward for a “golden post” - a post that received at least 100 pluses with zero minuses. Of course, today children are no longer “cake”, now you can grab the “gold” without much trouble, just by posting a funny GIF , but over the eight years of my not very active participation in the life of the site (40 gold posts), a certain set of rules was formed by itself, the implementation of which qualitatively increases the chance of earning the coveted medal and, in principle, is unified and suitable for any other educational and entertainment resources .To begin with, it’s worth saying what it is never recommended to do. In ancient times, posts created using this principle immediately went down the drain: 1. Post copy-pasteHave you found something interesting on the Internet and want to share it on your favorite resource? Wonderful! Ideally, process the news creatively or at least rewrite it in your own words. As a last resort, take 2 minutes, write about WHY it attracted you or what thoughts it caused, and then add the copied text. At least one sentence, just not “look, I found it!”, but, for example, “I would never have thought that... because... however, read for yourself.” Give the news YOUR mood or emotion. Copying there and pasting here is even worse than just giving a link.2. Post “bayans” Even if you are a beginner and cannot know what was once published on this resource before you appeared, you can always check through search or tags. Respect other visitors or don’t shout “Help!”, choking on the negatives. The ban on posting vulgarity can also be included in this category. Not in the sense of obscenity and “below the belt”, but vulgarity in the original meaning of the word - banality, something predictable, hackneyed and discussed a hundred times.3. Illiterate writingGiven that dirty was a resource “for the elite,” visitors considered themselves to be among the cultural “cream,” with all that that implies. And this includes a black belt in Grammar Nazis. For a good post, but with a banal incorrect message, you could end up being thrown into the very abyss. And there is a reason for this. It's not too difficult to paste text into Word so that it can indicate errors.4. Post links to LiveJournal (however, just like on Chips or Pikabu, the Dertians were jealous of almost all other resources except Leprosy and, perhaps, Reddit). This prohibition applies only to dirty.ru. By the way, one of the things that is captivating about this resource is a number of spontaneously formed rules of behavior that are not particularly justified, but make the resource unique. So, for example, you could get downvotes for a banal emoticon (this was considered bad manners) or questions about the Leper Colony. Continued