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There is a natural rhythm of development for each person. A person goes through 12 stages of development, during each of these phases he solves the problems of one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. If there is a planet in any sign, then this period is very important; cycles must be laid down (otherwise such an opportunity will not arise again). For some people, these cycles begin spontaneously; the main thing is not to interfere with these people. There are a lot of people with distorted destinies; they did not have cycles or programs laid down at one time. If people with the most interesting horoscopes have not had their cycles laid out, their unrealized potentials become like buried treasures. The Wheel of Zoroaster comes full circle in 84 years (Uranus cycle). The sign problem is solved by a person within 7 years (Selena cycle). Uranus - freedom, access to a new level of consciousness. The White Moon (Selena) is a bright path of development. A person is given the opportunity to realize bright potencies when he reaches the point of awakening of the planets. The movement of the Wheel can be represented as the movement of a certain point of Pars Vitae (point of life). Pars Vitae begins its movement from Aries and passes through one sign of the Zodiac in 7 years. By the movement of the life point, you can determine the cardinal points when there are optimal conditions for development. Aries (up to 7 years). A lamb that needs to be shepherded, early childhood, active beginnings and development, dependence on parents. The child is uncontrollable, quick-tempered, and actively explores the world. Aries is a sprout from a seed, a fountain. If a child has planets in Aries, then cycles must be laid out in these years. If there are no planets, you need to not dominate the child, you need to let him develop. Taurus (years 7-14). Problems - training, education. Foal; consciousness is formed, memory is formed. Taurus stands firmly on the ground. The child depends on the system that is formed in him. If there are planets in Taurus, parents need to lay down a program, otherwise the next such opportunity will arise in 84 years. Gemini (years 14-21). Contacts, communication, opposites. This is still a period of childhood, a person is not yet mature, a program must be put into it. This period is characterized by attraction to the other sex, fussiness. Cancer (years 21-28). A person moves into the Youth quadrant. Nurturing feelings and emotions. A person becomes an adult, he begins to understand his inner world, lays down his own system in order to make a creative leap in Leo. Leo (ages 28-35). Maximum creative, physiological growth. If there are planets in this sign, the person shines, reigns, and tries his creative powers. In the worst case, a person is scattered, which means there will be a recession ahead of him. A.S. Pushkin has 5 planets in Cancer (21-28 years, heyday), Leo is empty, and Uranus is lonely in Virgo. A.S. Pushkin actively overspent himself during the times of Cancer and Leo, so after 35 years he experienced a decline. When there are many planets in a sign, you need to charge yourself with them in order to live by their energies, when there are few planets. If energy is overused, we limit further growth opportunities. The period of Leo is dangerous - there may be a decline, since next comes Virgo - labor, work. Virgo (years 35-42). Professionalism. A person must have a system in place in every detail. It is necessary to pay attention to details, details. During this period, the Lunar Nodes await us - a qualitative transition to another level (this is especially important for those whose Nodes are strongly pronounced). Libra (years 42-49). A conscious choice of contacts, a period of reasonable calm. At this time, it is necessary to identify harmony, your own rating system. A person becomes mature and moves into a new hemisphere. Scorpio (years 49-56). Critical age. Death and rebirth, menopause, nervousness, many suicides, nervous patients. If nothing good has been accumulated by a person previously, then this is a period of destruction. But this period is good for people who are ready for challenges; here they open up and create the best creations. F. M. Dostoevsky has the Sun in Scorpio, when the Point of Life approached the Sun, hebegan writing The Brothers Karamazov. Sagittarius (years 56-63). The problem of the stage is aspiration upward, philosophy. The period of real husbands; a worldview program must be laid down. A good creative period, but we must not forget about moderation and not get carried away. Capricorn (years 63-70). Last quadrant, the Black and White Moons return (9 x 7 years). This is the period of revealing the secrets of the last choice, when the problem of spiritual elevation is solved. We must get out of the shell of ideas, we must complete our earthly program, we must have a sober outlook on life, on the world, each subject must find its place; this is mature clarity, asceticism. Aquarius (years 70-77). A person must choose the path of good or evil. (For Aquarius, the struggle between good and evil can continue throughout life if a conscious choice is not made.) There is a danger of falling into insanity, the process takes on irreversible forms, and it is no longer possible to change a person. During this period, you need to realize your sins and bright deeds and prepare yourself for the transition to Pisces. Pisces (years 77-84). Complete completion of the cycle. Understanding the secrets of Being. Danger of insanity, sclerosis. After 84 years, a new cycle begins. If a person has many planets in Aries that were not realized in childhood, then new abilities are awakened, memory is freshened, hair and teeth can grow, and the person lives his childhood on a new round. Empty signs of the Zodiac, in which there are no planets, give a person the opportunity develop freely. A planet in a sign colors it with a specific task. The Black Moon can lay down a black program. If the Black Moon is in Aries, then such a program can be laid down very early. In the Wheel of Life, the first planet in Aries is important, it requires the most careful attitude, the laying of a certain cycle, this is the most weakened planet, the unfolding of a person’s potential begins with it. Children with different planets, the first in Aries, require different initial education. If the first planet is: the Sun - it is necessary to provide an opportunity for brilliance, initiative must not be suppressed. Jupiter - strict methods of education are necessary, parents must be an authority for the Jupiterian. Mars - cannot be allowed to develop freely , the Martian must be given a harmonious outlet for energy, for example, playing sports. Mercury, (Chiron) - there is no need for his cunning to develop, he needs to play more, develop his speech, gaming classes are good for him. Venus - he must be brought up in a comfortable environment, soft, but without relaxation. The Venusian needs to instill moderation, create a reliable system, practice ethics and aesthetics. Venusians are easy-going, but lazy, they need discipline, a regime. Saturn - lives according to a regime, withdraws into himself, he needs strict conditions in upbringing. Uranus - unpredictable children, they need to change attitudes according to the situation, alternate severity with gentleness. We cannot allow the feeling of freedom to turn into apathy. Education should be original, even somewhat pretentious. Luna are capricious children, they are difficult to raise, they are sensitive, vulnerable, all experiences are reflected on the face. The mother is very important. Neptune - the emotions on the face of a Neptunian, unlike a Lunarian, cannot be read. Education should not be based only on the emotional level; it requires deep internal contact between parents and child, love. It is necessary to form faith and ideals. Pluto - children are very active. You can’t take them by either persuasion or force; they need to form a channel for the manifestation of their energy. They need to create bright obstacles. It is impossible to kill a Plutonian, you can only drive him inside, but sooner or later he will explode. Mars has directed energy, he is impulsive, impetuous. The Plutonian has no decline, he cannot be scolded, he can only learn from his own sad examples. Proserpina - children do not want to learn anything, Proserpians are initially disappointed in everything. They need to give information in grains, highlight the essence, put text blocks in them, even if they do not initially understand them; otherwise they will all crumble, and there will be a chaotic wandering in life - the main thing will not be visible, but only the little things. Black Moon - it is necessary to develop in the child