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By criticizing a child for every mistake or failure, the parent kills the manifestation of life in him, the manifestation of free creative energy, which is necessary for exploring and mastering the outside world. In the place where a child needs support, understanding and advice from an adult in order to draw conclusions and move on, he gets a slap on the wrist. Through criticism, the child hears that he is somehow different. And then he suppresses any manifestation of spontaneity, which limits freedom of expression. The energy that could have been directed toward mastering life will be directed toward lifelessness. Now this part that yearns for a way out - encountering rejection from the parents - will be cut off and hidden behind the walls of consciousness. Defenses will appear around these walls, which at the slightest attempt to manifest themselves will say - “You shouldn’t do this, nothing will work out anyway; I do everything wrong....so it’s better to keep a low profile; I am bad". This is what the child heard about himself, at the moment when his parents raised him (through criticism) as a good boy (girl). He considered it and appropriated it. The external critic has become internal. This becomes part of the psyche, which constitutes precisely the layer that firmly holds the free, creative part of the personality, in fact, its individuality, from any possibility of manifestation, on the one hand. On the other hand, these walls/protections protect from that childhood pain, from devaluation, criticism, and emphasizing one’s badness. “And then it’s better not to do anything, because no one will scold me” - any manifestation of initiative will be punished by itself. As a result, a person lives within the narrow walls of his existence, suffocating from his own fear in an attempt to get out and express himself and his capabilities..