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CBT is a very structured approach. There are no surprises here; the session always goes according to plan. This creates additional stability and allows what is called “not to spread out along the tree,” but to go towards the intended goal. Both a specific session and the general path to solving a client’s request are structured. What does a session look like? Conventionally, it is divided into introductory, main and the final part. In the introductory part, the psychologist asks several questions about how the past week went and inquires about the client’s current mood. Then, homework or between-session activities that were planned at the previous meeting are usually discussed. The client tells what worked and what didn’t, shares successes and difficulties. Next, the meeting agenda is jointly formed, which outlines the work plan for today. On average, the introductory part takes up to 15 minutes. After it comes the main part of the session. Here, a specific problem or situation that worries the client is addressed. Its solution is one of the steps towards solving the request. At this stage, the psychologist helps the client identify dysfunctional thoughts or beliefs, as well as revise them and formulate new ones that are more adaptive. During the discussion, the client learns important cognitive techniques that will later help him independently identify errors in thinking and more successfully cope with life's difficulties. If necessary, the focus may be not only on working with thinking, but also on mastering some relaxation techniques, meditation, or even meeting the client’s fears. Based on the results of the discussion, new homework assignments are formulated. As a rule (especially in the first stages of work), they are suggested by a psychologist, and the client evaluates how relevant and realistic they are for him now. As a result, an agreed list of activities appears before the next meeting. The main part of the session takes about 30 minutes. In the final part of the meeting, the results are summed up and the psychologist requests feedback on the session. Here the client has the opportunity to mentally scroll through the entire session and tell what was most useful and convenient for him, and what caused difficulties or what he would like to exclude in future work. The final part takes up to 15 minutes. This is what a typical session looks like in the cognitive behavioral approach. You can sign up for a free dating call (about 20 minutes) via Telegram or WhatsApp. You will be able to ask questions, feel how comfortable you are and learn more about the CBT approach. Write 89172528511