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For many Russian women, this is a sore point. Why did this happen? But who knows, it’s probably all about the war, the lack of the required number of men, revolutions, an abundance of crises and hard times. When they could wear one dress for months, they darned tights. What kind of self-esteem is there, the main thing is to survive. They survived, had large families and a large number of marriages not for love. Then their daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters continued the same tradition. Nowadays even very beautiful women in Russia have problems with self-esteem. The result is a dejected appearance and skewed lives. This prevents you from adequately assessing your strengths, for example, choosing a good job that will give you pleasure. Marry for love, and not for the first one who proposed marriage. Many simply cannot afford a good life where you can desire and your dreams are destined to come true. Our dear grandmothers, mothers and school teachers actively worked to suppress our worth. After all, at one time they did the same thing to them. Self-esteem, by the way, is the cement in building our lives. It helps us achieve our goals. Adequately assess the situation, your strengths and capabilities. Guarantee that your actions will lead to the result you want. Accordingly, the gap between the life you have and the life you want is slowly closing. How to easily determine your self-esteem? Yes, just evaluate yourself according to 8 characteristics, from 0 to 10. That is, you are asked to adequately look at your positive qualities inherent from birth. 1. The state of your physical body. 2. Emotional intelligence3.Intelligence4.Spirituality5.Appearance6.Talents7.Femininity8. Character Great, and now side by side, you can do this with a colored marker for greater clarity, put it from 0 to 10, how satisfied are you with the manifestation of these qualities in your life, their presence, development. My heart tells me that everything is not so smooth. There is a good difference between the data provided and the satisfaction from using it in life. This is where our self-esteem begins to falter. For example, about five years ago you had a good figure, you could do the splits freely and had very attractive shapes. Then sitting in an office and constantly eating pies changed your figure beyond recognition in five years. And every spring, you promise yourself to lose weight starting Monday and never do anything. Giving rise to low self-esteem. There are a lot of such examples. So, nothing can be changed in one day, and after going through a two-day training to increase self-esteem, there is little chance of creating a new one. There is little chance if you spend 20 minutes in front of the mirror every day saying how good and smart you are. It’s better to spend these 20 minutes on abdominal exercises. But developing one quality from these eight positions every month is a pretty good idea. Buy yourself a beautiful notebook. The first thing we write down is what you are least satisfied with and begin to develop. If it’s hard for you to come up with a task for yourself, what to do, then read the article about the development of self-esteem.