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Alexander Yankelevich and Anastasia Butko (BSU) at the III Festival, which was held in Minsk on October 22-23, interviewed the director on the topic “FESTIVAL OF BODY PRACTICES: SUCCESS AND PROSPECTS” project LEONID MOROZOV.1. Tell us a little about yourself, from the point of view of your professional biography, as well as everything that you consider necessary. I have three higher educations, psychological became the main one. He completed training in the direction of “Body-oriented psychotherapy” at the Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama and a large number of educational programs and trainings. Since 1997, I have been conducting trainings in different cities - Moscow, Minsk, Kyiv, Kharkov, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Yalta, Lvov, etc.2. In what areas do you specialize and what methods do you primarily use in your practice? The main directions that formed the basis of my view of psychotherapy are Bodily, Transpersonal, Process Therapy, Jungian psychology. I work with authentic movement and contact improvisation. In practice I use methods of eastern spiritual practices - Thai Massage, Tantra, etc.3. How did you come up with the idea of ​​creating such a festival? Were there any existing events in the world that you were looking at? This was back in 1999, after a conference on the Gestalt approach. I really liked the format, which allows for free choice of the master class and keeps the participants’ constant interest. And I was the first in Ukraine to hold such a holistic festival. Over the past 10 years, this form has become widely popular, now there are dozens of festivals - and that’s good.4. Tell us about how the coaching staff for the festival is assembled. Is it worth going through a strict selection process for this, or can anyone with a good program take part in it as part of the leading master class? Can students take part in the festival, presenting their master class, and if so, what needs to be done for this? Masters are invited to participate in the Festival according to strict criteria of professionalism. We strive to present a variety of directions in Bodily Psychotherapy - there were master classes on Reich's therapy in a modern version, A. Lowen's Bioenergetics, Thanatotherapy, Bodynamics, the Feldenkrais method, the Rosen method, it is planned to present Bonding, etc. The same approach to the presentation of oriental methods of working with the body and energy - Tantra, Qigong, Sufi Practices, various holistic massage systems, Tibetan singing bowls, etc. Masters from Belarus first show a master class in the Festival Club. It happened that after this the application for the Festival was rejected...Yes, talented students can take part - it will be announced that this is a debut for understanding and support...5. How did it happen that the festival became international? What, in your opinion, attracts specialists from other countries to your festival? This is a very important question - Body Practices are becoming increasingly widespread and the need for this information is increasing - just look on the Internet. The participation of craftsmen from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine has already become the norm, the arrival of a specialist from Germany, etc. is planned. At the same time, the combination of Western and Eastern approaches, a strict focus on professionalism, a welcoming atmosphere - all this is attractive.6. The Festival group noted that it is being held with the assistance of the Association of Body Therapy - what is it? The Association of Body Psychotherapy is a public organization, its goal is to expand opportunities in providing information about this area, to support those who work in this field. The Association has a website where you can view theoretical articles, information about ongoing trainings, etc.7. Tell us about the bodily trends in psychology, what are their specifics? The body-oriented approach is extremely effective1. for personal growth. All “conversational” areas of psychotherapy necessarily hit a “ceiling” when further steps need to be taken in the area of ​​acceptancebody.2.when working with emotional problems (irritability, self-doubt, phobias, panic attacks, fear for your health and the health of loved ones),3. as well as for psychosomatic disorders (vegetative-vascular dystonia, male and female problems, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, peptic ulcers, etc.) The emotional sphere is not subject to rational control. We often hear that the client already has all the necessary knowledge, understands perfectly well what needs to be changed and how, but nothing works out for him. At a critical moment, a person breaks down into the usual way of reacting, driven by the emotions that wash over him - anger, fear, anxiety. This is because knowledge and reflection are the result of the activity of the left frontal lobe of the brain. While the right is responsible for emotions. So it turns out that a person corrects one sphere (rational), but a completely different sphere needs correction - emotional. When work is done with bodily sensations, it is the right part of the brain that is activated, the area that needs correction.8. What are your professional plans for the future? How do you see the development of psychology in Belarus? What, in your opinion, is its current state? I have a new training in development - for married couples. I would like to take part in the training on Past Life Therapy - this master class at the Festival was a great success. Training on Breathing Psychotechniques is also planned. And the state of psychology in Belarus is adequate to the level of social development. I am confident that the Festival of Body Practices will make a worthy contribution to this development.9. How do you see the prospects for the development of the festival? How often do you plan to hold the festival in Belarus? The prospects are the most promising. The festival is planned in cities such as St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Odessa, Lvov. Preparations there are in full swing. During this year of the Festival in Minsk, a core team of masters has been formed, whose work at the Festival is invariably a success - Galina Gatalskaya, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, body-oriented psychotherapist, Olga Babina - specialist in thanatotherapy, procedural therapy and work with trauma, Regina Fomina - thanatotherapy and bodynamics, Natalya Koroleva (Moscow) - Feldenkrais method, Mikhail Klebanovich - master of holistic massage, etc., Natalya Potonic - qigong master, Natalya Zhivotovskaya - master of kundalini yoga, etc. Very important , that a deep mutual understanding has developed both at a professional and human level. The list of areas that are presented at the Festival is constantly updated. Frequency - 3-4 times a year, each Festival requires careful preparation, and the current economic situation sometimes affects... 10. Tell us about your impressions of the third festival of bodily practices. What is its peculiarity? Many new people took part in the third Festival, new directions were presented: - Therapy of Past Lives, - Slavic gymnastics, - work with Tibetan Singing Bowls (sound massage), - archery (by the way, amazingly interesting! ).- I conducted a master class on authentic movement and breathing techniques (tantric breathing, rebirthing). I am pleased with the results, judging by the responses in the hall, so are the participants. 11. What advice would you give to aspiring psychologists and people seeking personal growth? First of all, stand firmly on your own two feet. This formula in Body Psychotherapy means - get your experience and develop from it. Academic lectures also have their advantages, but real experience occurs only during training, in practice. "It is not time that leads to experience, but Events." The word “Co-Being” means joint Existence, what in psychology is designated by the term “Here and Now.” And also courage. On the way to yourself, encounters with complex emotional states are inevitable. This is confirmed by all the experience of Western psychotherapy over the past 100 years and the psychological discoveries of Eastern spiritual practices. With the right approach, all difficulties will end in the end: : +37529-506-05-09