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This question torments both clients and, believe me, us psychologists too. I want to share with you my thoughts on this matter. Let's say you go to a psychologist and are undergoing therapy. You sit in a comfortable chair for one hour a week, and then you leave, having paid a certain amount for it. How to understand that this is not wasted time and money? Let's figure out what your life consists of: work, family, meetings with friends, TV series on weekends, training, study, computer games, trips, shopping... What else? Now we won’t talk about whether you like it or not, but simply what actually takes up your time. I suggest you, without any psychologist, just think alone with yourself: This is my life. - Do I like her? - Do you like my work? Do I feel like I'm valuable doing this? - Do I like the people who are next to me? Do I like myself? - Do you like my house? - Do I feel my power to change my life for the better? - Do I see opportunities for myself? “Am I interested in anything in this life?” You may not answer Yes to all of these questions, but if you answer No to most of them, you need to do something about it. I continue to believe that psychotherapy is not a panacea for every problem has its own solution, but if during therapy you increasingly begin to answer these questions Yes, then it is effective. When you leave the psychologist’s office, you instantly plunge into your daily reality. You see the same people and work the same. same work. Nothing changes. But you can change. Take your place, show what is in you. Get to know yourself and introduce yourself to the world. Personally, I ended therapy at the moment when I noticed that my life was so full. events and things that are important to me, that there was no time or energy left for therapy. I felt that I wanted and could invest all of myself in our beautiful and amazing world. And I am very grateful to my therapist for the words “The doors are always open!” that when it becomes difficult to cope with my best life in the world, I have someone to come to. I checked. There is no task to start and finish therapy correctly, but there is a task to live life well. It turns out? Wonderful! No? Try therapy and return to the world with new opportunities. I will be glad to help you walk this path through consultations in person on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg or online.