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Laziness is the lack of desire to do anything. There can be many reasons for laziness and awareness of them is one of the ways to combat laziness. Think about why you are too lazy to do what you planned and analyze how you can deal with it. Lack of motivation. Look for motivation in the desired outcome of your work. Visualize and imagine in as much detail as possible the result of the activity, what benefits you will receive from it, for which you need to start acting now. If avoiding the consequences of not doing is more motivating, then imagine in all colors what will happen if you continue to be lazy and do not do the work, what the consequences will be, experience it in your imagination. The amount of work is scary. Break the planned activity into parts and start with the simplest. After completing each item, reward yourself with rest, snacks, etc. Try to look not at the entire volume of required work, but at the planned part; it will require less effort and time from you and attracts encouragement after completion. The way to do the work is not clear. Collect more information about the planned work so that a certain strategy for its implementation emerges in your head. Uncertainty provokes anxiety, take time to get rid of it. The meaning of doing the work is not clear. Think about what your needs will be satisfied as a result of the work. Find the connection between completing this work and your other goals, how its implementation or non-fulfillment will affect them. You can bring your own meaning to the work. If there is absolutely no point in doing work, perhaps you have lost your way in life and are doing the wrong thing. The habit of putting off small things for later. This can be compared to the operation of a computer. You are using a program that requires a lot of RAM and at the same time, periodically opening and closing many small applications without closing. Over time, the computer begins to freeze and its performance drops noticeably, and you can no longer fully use the main program. So it is with the brain, collecting many small unfinished tasks, you overload your brain, during the day these tasks remind you of themselves with sudden thoughts that distract you from your main work. It can help to implement the “2 minute rule”, which says: do not put off until later what can be done in less than 2 minutes. If it is successfully implemented, it will be possible to expand this rule to 5, 10 minutes or more. It is difficult to get started. Immediately after receiving the task, without letting your brain come up with an excuse not to do it, count from 5 to 1, say any encouraging word, for example “Hurray!” and start acting. We need outside supervision. Tell about the planned work and the deadlines for its completion to significant and respected people whom you will be ashamed to let down and disappoint. You can make a deal with yourself or a friend, a friend, put money or material values ​​on the line. The desire to do nothing. Fulfill it, but leave the rule; when you stop resting, you will do exactly this thing. Sit down, or better yet, stand up and do nothing, don’t think about anything, don’t plan, don’t remember, look at one point. You won't be able to do anything for a long time! If all of the above does not help, perhaps you really need rest or this may be a consequence of health problems, then you should contact the appropriate specialists. Consultation with a psychologist and even more articles on psychology in my VK group: https://vk.com/psyhofon and in Zen: https://dzen.ru/psyhofon