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From the author: If you don’t want to go to a psychologist, but all your girlfriends/friends have already been told a hundred times what a “miracle of nature” he is and it hasn’t become easier, take the advice of a happy woman ... So, you decide to forget This Cattle. And thoughts immediately begin, right? Should I call him to tell him about my decision? Should I write a letter? Or should I look him in the eyes one last time? How he will react is very interesting, right? Or maybe you made the wrong decision? Or maybe he will want you back? Or in general - he wanted to marry you, but he was very busy and couldn’t call for a whole month... There will be such thoughts. Every thought like this prevents you from forgetting This Cattle. But you decided to forget? Then I advise: 1. Compare all your actions in relation to This Cattle with the behavior of a person who is indifferent. So you are sitting and thinking about taking his books to This Cattle. Imagine that you have a friend to whom you are indifferent, just a nice person. Would you , for example, think, call, make an appointment for a friend to pick up his books from you? I'm sure not. You would think: if a friend needs books, he will call himself, come and pick them up. Meanwhile, evenings and nights are usually devoted to these thoughts - whether to call Skotina to pick up his toothbrush from your bathroom. Indifference is your goal. And if your actions cause a new stream of thoughts about This Cattle, you are harming yourself. Any communication with the Cattle means new emotions. This means that for indifference there should be minimal communication: hello, goodbye. Don’t try to start a new romance or go on a date now - after the date there will be a new stream of thoughts about This Brute (however, you can check me out and go on a date).2. Find the broom phrase. You will drive away all thoughts about This Cattle with a broom. First, write a short summary of why you felt bad with This Cattle, and how well you will live without him. A resume is written based on common sense (and you still have it if you decide to break up with someone who spoils your mood). Here is Oleg’s resume, his girlfriend left for a rich man: “If the girl left, it means I didn’t live up to her hopes. Girls have different hopes, often monetary ones. For me, the main thing is that I justify MY hopes. I think that I will meet a girl who, like me, will rely primarily on herself.” Next, a bright, simple one is selected from the resume. undeniable broom phrase. The phrase should be very short, but you will understand what it is about, here every word is associative for you. Oleg got this: “I did not live up to her hopes, but I will justify mine.” The broom phrase can be changed, you can have them several, but the main thing is to fit it to yourself, like shoes for a long walk. Look for the most accurate, most energetic words, the most associative. Oleg’s phrase eventually became: “But I will justify my hopes, that’s it!” Note that Oleg did not choose the popular summary: “All women are corrupt,” because that this statement is not indisputable and not cheerful. And you need cheerful, undeniable statements that do not evoke either new thoughts or new emotions. 3. As soon as an obsessive thought about This Beast comes or an unnecessary emotion begins, drive it away with a filthy broom! This method has probably been known to psychiatrists for a long time, but we invented it for yourself. The broom phrase is usually already in your head, you came up with it and thought it through in your usual, healthy state, in your sound mind, as they say. There is an expression: drive with a filthy broom. Nasty - here in the sense: for sweeping away trash. The art of happiness is, first of all, the art of driving away unnecessary thoughts and emotions with a filthy broom. People have ingenious broom phrases for all cases of trouble. For example, about the death of a child: God gave - God took. In the event of the death of a loved one, I would take the following broom phrase: life also includes death. For parting, I came up with a phrase: the sooner the Stranger leaves, the sooner the Native will come. And one more thing: you didn’t think about me - now I don’t think about you!4. It would be good to say the phrase many times during the day, good in the morning and at night, half asleep,