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From the author: Intuition is an innate quality and property of the soul hidden in the body/personality. The development of intuition is, in essence, remembering that I AM SOUL and LIGHT and, in a way, allowing the energy of straight-knowledge to flow through our representative channels... Almost every person in his life has been faced with situations, the right or the only right way out, of which he was “prompted” by an invisible force, an inner voice, a certain presence, a vision, the name of which is intuition or instinct. Intuition is one of the most common meanings of our time, causing in many aspirants genuine interest and a desire to touch its omniscient ability. For the possession of knowledge that does not require reflection and proof is the acquisition of one’s own power and mastery. But what is necessary for intuitive abilities to become our property? Open them or develop them? Let's try to understand the quality and property of our nature that does not leave us indifferent and attracts us to comprehend it and discover the secrets of mastery. THE ESSENCE OF INTUITION Intuition is the compass of the soul, which points the individual in the direction to follow in the endless ocean of preferences... Intuition has always caused many philosophical disputes and ambiguous judgments. Democritus and Plato, Plotinus and Descartes, Hegel and Freud, as well as many others, contributed to the study and understanding of intuition. For example, the French philosopher Henri Bergson argued that “the essence of life is incomprehensible to the intellect and is grasped only with the help of intuition, which is life’s comprehension of itself.” In Duetik, intuition is viewed as an insight that makes our life fulfilling and attracts us to further exploration of the paths of human knowledge. To reveal intuitive abilities, it is necessary to connect the heart and mind. In turn, the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer believed that “the whole world of reflection (authentic reflection - turning consciousness to itself, thinking about thinking) rests on the world of intuition, as its basis of knowledge “And indeed, intuition today still serves as the basis for both contradictory research and all kinds of insinuations. DEFINITION OF INTUITION Let’s try to give a capacious and concise definition of intuition, although, as psychology shows, this is definitely very difficult to do. For in modern psychology, intuition is considered as knowledge without awareness, and almost instantaneous search, and a mental function that informs about the possibilities of the present, an illogical component of thinking, and the unconscious possibility of “direct consideration,” and unconscious illumination/insight. Spiritual psychology views intuition much more broadly and deeper, affecting the area of ​​​​the unconscious and subconscious, conscious and supraconscious (superconscious) levels, including instinctive and sensual, mental and spiritual intuition. In Duetik, intuition appears as an interest that perceives initiation, or in other words, the intellect assimilates information introspectively clearly. That is, each time a mental, thinking person undergoes a certain “initiation” or introduction into the world of transcendence through knowledge that does not depend on reflection, unconditionally accepting and agreeing with the information received. In other words, for each individual, depending on the point of his evolution or spiritual development, the ability for intuitive insight will be determined by his cultural level, intelligence, sensitivity. After all, sudden insight can be perceived and interpreted, used or ignored by a person in different ways. This explains the different levels of intuition, affecting the level of awareness, memory and the unconscious. LEVELS OF INTUITION Conventionally, intuition can be represented as follows: Unconscious or unconscious level - instinctive intuition, manifested in moments of sleep, in transitional states between life and death, in rare moments of wakefulness. This type of intuition is inherent in most of humanity and is associated with the sacred center (Svadhisthana orZarod) - umbilical center. Unconscious/unconscious or unconscious intuition is an archetypal memory of the past, glorious times of humanity when intuition was the main communication. And this idea was confirmed by R. Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, believing that: “everything unconscious takes its origin, in the end, in something conscious.” Subconscious (memory level) - sensory intuition associated with the lower mind of desires - kama by manas, manifesting itself at different moments in life through various senses, as a sudden memory, a vague hint of similar events, a familiar sensation. Often occurring at the peak of emotional experiences, sensory intuition is associated with the solar plexus center (Manipura chakra). Sensual intuition is a motivating tool for a personality awakening from hibernation, initiating contact with the soul and its “prompts”. Conscious level – straight-knowledge or mental intuition, through self-remembering, frequent insights, lucid dreams. Sensual knowledge is not a separate feeling, but a synthesis of feelings, coordinated developed mind (mind) or integrated intellect in the presence of adequate mental abilities. The science of Duetics reveals the nature of straight-knowledge in the mirror reflection of duality: mind - feelings, feelings - emotions through empirical knowledge and logical comprehension of the world, as its own projection of consciousness, revealing the subconscious level of memory. Sense-knowledge or reflection in the heart is complete cooperation with Nature and this is the quality of a Master or Yogi, which is not at all an obstacle for those who strive to expand the boundaries of their own worldview to a given level, which in turn is also not final. Mental intuition is the result of the activity of the brow center (pineal gland) and its interaction with the throat and heart centers (chakras) according to the specific Ray of personality and the Ray of the Soul of the aspirant. The supraconscious level is spiritual intuition, the connecting link between physical man and spiritual man. Spiritual intuition is Pure Reason and Love-Wisdom, Budhi, the seventh synthetic sense (the sixth sense is the mind) and the Christ Principle, which manifests itself in a person upon achieving a certain initiation, which marks the comprehension of the Spiritual man or the one “who is invisible, intangible and inaudible”. The secret is that it is spiritual intuition that allows a person to consciously use its enlightening energy for a holistic approach to their own development and self-improvement. However, one should not ignore the intuition of a warning and “resuscitation” nature. For acting as an instinct of self-preservation in its highest meaning, it is no less valuable and significant for us. Just like the feelings themselves, being connected with the body and its sensations through directed attention, they express an accessible channel of mental intuition, which we can almost always use without developing special skills. DEVELOPMENT OF INTUITION Well, if we talk about the skills and necessary steps for the development of intuitive abilities, then we can distinguish four main ones, which you see in this diagram: The key point in the development of intuitive abilities can rightfully be considered the expansion of consciousness, as the ability to contain more through the elimination of barriers to perception for acceptance greater truth, which in turn leads to integral vision and understanding. In the article “6 stages of expansion of consciousness,” I discussed these aspects in detail. As is the case with different levels of intuition, when the instinctive subsequently gives way to sensory and mental intuition, the main thing is to reveal or expansion of consciousness consists in an evolutionary movement: from the rudimentary consciousness - to the feeling consciousness - then to the mental-conscious and, subsequently, to the divinely understanding, in contact with the world of spiritual realities and possibilities, covering the fifth, spiritual kingdom of souls. To establish a stable channel with the Soul, they are suitable meditation, lucid dreaming, observation and, in fact,expansion of consciousness and the ability to calm emotions and mind. But the detection of Light and the intensification of its glow will require several different actions from us. For the Light in our nature for the most part is the unmanifested light of the physical body, the barely noticeable light of the etheric body and the foggy light of the astral, together with individual flashes of the body of the mind, forming the so-called auric glow. Accordingly, it will require some effort to detect it on the one hand and activate it on the other. In other words, there are three types of light emitted by our body that can be “detected” empirically. But for this you need to know or at least guess about its existence. So we have: 1) dark light of the body (cell) - photon light, which is reflected by the etheric body and conducted by the physical (can be detected through cell studies). The apparent darkness of our body is only a shadow of the sun, which allows us to grow a beautiful garden of the soul in its alleys without the burning effect of its rays. 2) the actual light of the aura (etheric or vital / vital body), which is colored by thoughts, emotions and feelings of a person on the one hand and receiving / reflecting the light of the soul - fixed / imprinted according to the Kirlian method; 3) the light of the causal / karmic shell - the external body of the soul, transmitting it to the etheric body, is internal in terms of research by a specific person. This is also the Light of the Soul or Spiritual Intuition. The Light of true Enlightenment, Illumination and Understanding. Light that eliminates all kinds of distortions and helps to realize, see and feel the nature of Unity. “Through the light of the soul the soul can be known.” – Theogenesis. The light of the intuitive body is the light of knowledge, which is transmitted by the Soul through the revitalization of the two upper centers - Vishuddha - the center of the throat and Ajna - the brow center. Thus the creative throat and the receptive, spiritually aware mind come together in an act of self-construction. The light in the head is partly related to the light that the intuitive body transmits to the pineal gland, activating its activity and development, thereby producing changes at the physiological level. Another step towards the development of intuitive abilities is the development of sensitivity, as an internal ability for greater vision and perception. In this sense, sensitivity is the ability of a person’s internal representative systems, aimed at an internal response to the Soul. The development of sensitivity - the internal ability to perceive, becomes possible thanks to human representative channels: auditory , visual, digital and kinesthetic. In other words, all our five senses, as well as the mind, are directed to the body as the main receiver, recorder and transmitter of sensations, which, together with mental images, associations and feelings, give rise to an intuitive channel between the invisible world and the world of ours sensory perception. The “purity” of this channel depends on many components - the ability to abstract, independent thinking, sensory perception and that assemblage point that allows not only to receive the necessary “material” from intuition, but also gives the ability to decipher or decode it. RESULTS OF DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT INTUITION One way or another, intuition, which constantly “declares itself” to the individual, leads a person to certain effective achievements, including various abilities of a sensual and supersensible nature. For example, the results of the emerging sense-knowledge are the ability to: Discrimination/recognition - the natural ability to accept or reject various facts or elements that the mind borrows through the channel of the soul. Illumination - instantaneous enlightenment, which, as one improves, can become frequent and even be called upon at will. Allegorically, the caterpillar of the mind, thanks to insight, is transformed into a beautiful moth or butterfly (a symbol of ancient wisdom). Inspiration or overshadowing - an incomparable feeling of mastering the inner space, as if suddenly an inner VoiceSilence has spoken in you. Revelation is a state when, like a vision, the Truth is revealed in all its radiant fullness and knowledge, which is achieved by establishing contact with the superconscious, through spiritual intuition. “Spiritual intuition always affects true reality; it is the luminous harbinger of spiritual consciousness, or its radiant light itself; she sees what other powers of our being struggle to study; it grasps the solid truth of the abstract ideas of the intellect and the phenomenal ideas of the heart and life, a truth which is itself neither remotely abstract nor externally concrete, but something else; Why are these two different sides of its psychological manifestation for us? Sri Aurobindo “Synthesis of Yoga.” SPIRITUAL INTUITION It is spiritual intuition that serves the heart and life, reason and feeling, being the “integral truth-seeker.” It becomes the unifying link between personal expression and mental life, reflecting universality and integrity, even a certain completeness, if the completeness of something or exists ideally. But, one way or another, truth is the knowledge of what is necessary or correct at the moment of accomplishment and in its essence and expression it is always relative in the process of evolution of spiritual development. In addition, the flower of wisdom reveals its petals of knowledge far from everyone, and this is quite natural. Without a holistic picture of your worldview, there is always a possibility that the truth you seek will not turn out to be your cornerstone. In any case, the desire for knowledge does not go unnoticed by the action of the individual, to whom the gaze of the soul is latently directed. “To him who knocks, let it be opened!” And in this sense, intuition is the light of the soul in the dark kingdom of matter, breaking through and slipping out through the armor and shell of emotional-sensual layers and mental raids. Intuition is the truth that hastens to destroy and dispel all the illusory nature of external and rational life. In the eternal search for one’s own meaning in life, intuition, which sublimates the intellectual and sensory-emotional sides of life and sweeps away the walls of conventions and restrictions, becomes the torch of the spirit, its messenger and exponent an idea that contains the ability to live creatively, consciously and with a “breakthrough into infinity.” Thus, intuition can be defined as anticipation, foresight, insight, clear understanding and awareness of something by a person at the moment of its visit. ACHIEVEMENT OF SPIRITUAL INTUITIONIntuition, as straight-knowledge is the step to which an aspiring person must initially rise, comprehending the evolution of feelings and discovering intuition in all its diversity, choosing the necessary instrument of cognition. Using intuition as an instrument of everyday conscious action, a person automatically brings enlightenment and understanding of the goal into his life, without limiting at the same time, the creative ability to choose the desired and preferred direction. In order to achieve true and spiritual intuition, it is necessary to approach a crisis point when the cognizing mind has exhausted itself and all its resources. Then, having made your mind transparent, neutral, dispassionate and detached, consciousness is able to descend into the body, making it mobile and relaxed, ready to reflect all processes with the help of direct sensation, without any change or distortion. That is, direct knowledge will flow not from the outside, but to emanate, to radiate from within, illuminating and revealing the true essence of what we are in contact with at a given moment in time, thanks to the illuminated revelations of our true psychic being or Soul. This is how intuition manifests itself as a faithful guide and life inspirer. And this is its wonderful the ability to emanate truth from the world of Spirit and Divine Ideas does not go unnoticed by the integrated personality, increasingly listening to the voice of the silence of the Soul, telepathically transmitting impressions through straight-knowledge. Soon the personality becomes a full-fledged individuality or Soul, manifesting itself through the personality through neither