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Several years of marriage have passed and your feelings have faded? Have emotions been replaced by habits and shared household responsibilities? Do you feel like you are no longer very important to your partner? That everyone “falls asleep under their own blanket”? And yet this relationship is dear to you, and you want it to become better? So that they last for a long time? The following 5 points will help you save your family and return warmth to your relationship: Emotional intimacy and, not for nothing, this is the first point, in my opinion it is the most important! What I mean? I mean a high degree of mutual trust between partners in each other, based on support, acceptance and empathy. This is when you share how your day went and they listen to you with interest. When you say that your boss is a fool and they support you, and don’t say: “I’m tired of your whining.” This is when you know what is going on in your partner’s life, what worries him, what he is happy about. This is when you share his emotions with him and can openly share yours. Growth and development of your partner. I don't like the theory of halves, because then together we are one. I like the idea that individually we are whole and together we become even bigger and stronger. Professional fulfillment, growth, and development of a partner are very important needs. If you don't believe in your partner, there will be someone else who will. If your wife told you at the age of 40 that she is thinking about taking up dancing, because she always dreamed of it as a child, then support and say that it is not too late and brave and cool on her part! I was writing this paragraph and remembered the series “The Conspiracy of the Harvey Sisters” there, the main character’s wife, who sits at home all the time, at one fine moment gathers up the courage to go to art school, to which her husband says to her: “Well, that’s what, but you never knew how to draw!” The series, by the way, is about how her sisters tried to kill her husband all season long. Believe in each other, support, develop! A fulfilled and interested person is a happy person. Shared hobbies. Do you have them? I understand that when you first started the relationship it was cool to just chat with each other, but what now? What do you “burn” together? Some people ride a bike together, some cook new dishes in the evenings, some watch TV series. In my neighboring house there lives a couple who run together in any weather, I look, admire and think: they’ve got the hang of it! Plan a vacation together, a trip to the skating rink, or something else, as long as it’s interesting to both of you. Traditions. Not imposed, but your personal, family, something you cannot retreat from, even if there was a big quarrel the day before. Don't have dinner without each other? Do you visit your mother every weekend? Do you celebrate every New Year only with your family? Do you put the kids to bed and then sit down to drink tea together? There are a lot of options, create your own family history, it will help preserve the marriage in times of storms and storms. Sex, of course sex. Sometimes couples come to me who have forgotten how to do this. More precisely, one of the partners remembers because he does it with someone else. Punishing each other with sex after innuendo is a bad idea. Sex is one of the ways to satisfy your need for intimacy. What to do if you have a different sexual constitution, you ask? Look for compromises, I answer. In my experience, a partner who is regularly denied sex, whether a man or a woman, does not feel happy. As Dumbledore said, “these are dark times,” stay loving ♥ I will help you with relationship problems in consultations, appointment by phone. 89659873060 WhatsappTelegram.