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From the author: The article was published in February 2010. in the newspaper "Vsyachina" (Ussuriysk) Marketing below the belt You won't surprise consumers with erotic advertising. Posters with ambiguous content sometimes also appear on the streets of Ussuriysk. And for the city’s birthday, there was even a foam party in DORA Park, where girls in swimsuits frolicked. But it turns out that all these are just innocent childish pranks compared to what marketers can come up with. Are all means good? Experts say that the share of “sex sells” advertising has recently increased significantly. They attribute this to the struggle for survival in an economic crisis. It is not possible to reach the consciousness of society using conventional methods, so stronger moves are used. Companies are not afraid to earn popularity at any cost. The other day I read in Komsomolskaya Pravda that one of the large supermarkets in Kolomna near Moscow organized a campaign “Strip down to your underpants and take away as much as you can for free.” Advertisements for the upcoming “Show of Unheard-Of Generosity and Frankness at the Same Time” hung all over the city for several days and had considerable success: at the appointed time, there were at least as many naked shoppers in the supermarket as there were clothed ones. Every “nudist” had the right to take with him without paying, everything that he can carry in his hands without any bags, baskets or other devices. The only exceptions were cigarettes and alcohol. As a result, naked citizens stood in lines at the cash registers, frantically clutching armfuls of a variety of products. It was not allowed to pick up anything that fell on the floor, but few people mourned for it. And no one remembered that it was not entirely good to walk naked in a store. Competently Anna Dogadova, psychologist at the Rainbow of Childhood Family Culture Center: - The use of such techniques in sales and marketing campaigns is designed to leave a strong emotional “trace” in people’s memory. After all, people will talk about the event for a long time. What exactly is not so important. Much more valuable is the fact that such a case is discussed by observers, participants and those who heard about it from third parties. Of course, in all conversations and retellings, the store or other platform that organized the action will definitely appear. If so, then the marketing goal has been achieved. This is a quick ad. This is shock advertising. As for the people participating in such promotions, first of all, of course, those who want to get what they want, in this case a product, just like that or for a very small fee, stand out. But, if you look closely, the person actually pays with himself, by taking off his clothes. To be more precise, the price is an attitude towards oneself. The offered product is purchased for the agreement to temporarily value it more than oneself. Therefore, most likely, people who do not tend to treat themselves in general as a value manage to strip naked in public quite easily. Another possible reason for participating in such actions is the desire to get new thrills. A person is looking for something exciting, exciting and not necessarily only positive. For the sake of fresh impressions, he sometimes agrees to a lot. And since for most people the sources of emotions are often the same activities or events (for example, going on vacation, watching movies, chatting with friends, computer games, etc.), there are quite a lot of people who want to learn something unusual. Here Mention should be made of the next group of people who are most likely to willingly agree to such an event. We are talking about those who find it easier to get lost in the crowd and do what they are unlikely to be able to do alone. Then such participation also gives a feeling of unity with one’s own kind and at the same time impunity. An opportunity arises, even for a short period, to still resist generally accepted norms of behavior - this is both a challenge and new sensations of one’s own capabilities for a short time. And here there is a danger: in order to maintain such conditional strength in the future, you will have to renounce yourself and your self-worth again and again. As a result, this may lead to