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Everyone knows that you need to love yourself. Everyone also knows that we must learn to appreciate and accept ourselves with all the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages. But how to do this? In my medical practice, I have encountered situations where a sick child was helped not so much by medicine, but by a friendly attitude, support and boundless maternal love. A real mother always, regardless of the circumstances and the objective picture, accepts her child, gives him her love and devotion, and believes in success. This love works wonders and does what doctors cannot do. Remember from your childhood how important your mother’s support was to you, her kind word, how strong you felt when you knew that your mother would always understand and appreciate you. The fact is that every person already has both an inner child and an inner parent, These are so-called subpersonalities, and only with their friendly coexistence is the harmonious development of the personality as a whole possible. This was described by the famous psychotherapist Eric Byrne. When the inner parent takes on the role of a kind, understanding and approving mother, it becomes easier for the inner child to live and develop. In simple terms, each of us needs to recognize and love our inner child. We must learn to accept ourselves the way a loving mother accepts her precious child. That is, you need to increase your self-esteem. But as a doctor, I understand that it is impossible to improve and treat anything without first knowing the initial background, that is, without conducting a diagnosis. And before you try to increase someone’s self-esteem, you need to conduct a diagnosis. I have not seen such diagnostics mentioned before in the literature, but I used it for the first time in my trainings. So, by and large, I can consider it the author’s. DIAGNOSTICS OF CHARACTER TRAITS. I usually suggest that on a separate sheet of paper you write in a column from three to ten of your main character traits. In the second column, opposite each trait, you must put a plus or a minus, depending on how this trait helps or harms the person himself in life. In the third column you also need to put a plus or minus opposite each trait, but depending on its impact on others. You have to see how hard it is for our people to write about themselves! Someone thinks for a long time, someone sighs heavily, blushes, turns pale as if they don’t like themselves, and someone generally falls into a stupor and for a long time cannot write anything about themselves. It is very important in this diagnosis how many traits a person indicated. It’s not for nothing that I give such a wide range: from three to ten. Those who indicate the minimum acceptable number of traits clearly do not want or cannot, and, most likely, simply do not have the habit of subjecting themselves to any analysis. And there are others who write all ten traits, and even ask if they can add a couple. This is a sign of an attentive attitude towards oneself, towards one’s personality, which, in general, pleases. But the main thing in the table is not this, but how a person names his character traits and how he evaluates their attitude towards himself and towards society. To name some and the same features can be expressed in different ways. Everything is very subjective and depends on your attitude towards yourself, aggressive or friendly. Agree, you can say about yourself: wasteful or a spender, or you can say generous. You can say greedy, or you can say thrifty. You can say lazy, or you can say someone who knows how to relax .You can say - a workaholic, or you can say - a hard worker. There are a lot of examples, almost every trait can be described from a positive or negative side. It is interesting that people who have a positive attitude towards themselves describe the same traits as good and talk about them with pride, while people who have a negative attitude towards themselves describe them as negative and talk about them with bitterness and regret. In the next article I will give specific examples from the practice of working with tables of character traits, I will tell you about those things that are not subject to psychological correction, but need therapy, and I will also publish them myself.