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Not only necessary, it is simply mandatory. But year after year, young parents and not only young ones, again and again put their children together. No one is afraid of the sad statistics in the country and in the world; people most likely don’t even know it. Thus, medical experts state three child deaths a week due to the child sleeping together with his mother and father. If we sum it up for the entire year, the conclusion is shocking: 133 cases annually. The number of tragedies is constantly growing. So over the past five years, 655 babies have died for this reason. Forensic experts record in the documents that death occurred due to the fact that the child got hair in his mouth and he suffocated, or he was crushed under his weight when turning from side to side of one of the parents, or the baby fell in his sleep and was seriously injured, etc. Why decided to write about this? Because I constantly come across similar cases in consultations on parent-child issues and am convinced that many parents do not attach importance to this, and some do not take the arguments seriously, neglecting them. Meanwhile, neonatologists in maternity hospitals explain to mothers that it is vital for the child to sleep separately and only in his own crib. The reason is the child’s hygiene (in an adult bed there are bacteria to which immunity has not yet been developed) and his safety. When feeding, you can take him to your bed in a diaper, since it’s really more convenient this way, laying him in front of you. But then carefully return it back. However, this situation continues as the child grows. Now he already goes to kindergarten, but still sleeps with his parents. What do we get in the end? The lack of mutual and touching relationships between parents, spouses and lovers, since there is no physical, tactile, emotional unity, it dynamically comes to naught. It is either impossible to have sex with a child, or very strong anxiety manifests itself, turning into panic attacks, and there is no relaxation. How can the lower part have fun if the upper part is busy with thoughts? Of course not, because it creates tension. In addition to the above, husbands often begin to be jealous of their wives for their children, compete with them, and then may decide to divorce. Childhood traumas last a lifetime (and many clients come to a psychologist with such appeals), when they, having already become adults, remember intimate details and vivid orgasms of their parents. During sex, some women have “pictures of the past” and they cannot relax, trust, sometimes they feel disgusted and scared. Meanwhile, children also have such a problematic moment - they cannot form a normal day and rest routine, they begin to depend on adult attitudes. For example, watching TV until late, being impressed by various non-childish plots or stimulating the psyche by watching excessive TV. Turning to physiology, we note that restoration of the nervous system occurs when a person of any age sleeps from 22:00 to 24:00. In addition, children prepare for bed an hour before bedtime in the form of tidying up toys, taking a shower, and reading books. Thus, the psyche is not overexcited and sleep proceeds calmly. The inability to promptly develop independence, responsibility and work skills in children, because a preschooler is not able to tidy up an adult bed. Summary: I recommend teaching a child to sleep in his own crib from the first years of life, and by two years (gradually) and in your own room (if the apartment is one-room, then zoning may be suitable). I think that there is something to think about. About ways to form a child’s sleep habit in his own room, follow the link https://www.b17.ru/article/358897 /Your psychologist, Katerina Agafonova