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People are not born insecure! A child comes into this world and, with wide open eyes, greedily absorbs everything that happens around him, taking it for granted, and the closest and most significant adults as a standard of behavior. He automatically copies everything his parents do, he takes everything they say as an axiom and absorbs this holy faith, continuing to follow it for the rest of his life, mostly unconsciously. Where does low self-esteem come from? As a rule, from one’s own family, in which, from early childhood, respect for the child, and often for its adult members, is very rare. But you shouldn’t think that children who are unsure of themselves grow up exclusively in an asocial environment! Very often this happens when one of the parents is despotic, authoritarian, or vice versa – he himself is extremely unsure of himself and transfers this attitude to his child. After all, a child seems to be an adult continuation of themselves, who are often doubtful and weak. Although he is a separate personality already at 2-3 years old, with his own needs and interests and will. Or the parents have high expectations; they expect the baby to show signs of talent and succeed more than they do. As a result, the child constantly tries to reach the high bar required by adults. But no matter how hard he tries, he hears disappointment: “I thought you were capable of more” or “but your friend (brother) got an “A”. And every time the idea of ​​oneself as “not good enough” is formed more and more clearly. Parents often exploit the child’s desire to receive the approval and recognition of adults, and they really give him these important signs of attention... but only when he is obedient, unquestioning. But for a child in any At age, it is important to feel that he is loved, respected and valuable to his loved ones not “for something,” but simply because of the fact of his birth. Simply because it exists! He thinks, tries, tries, makes mistakes... only then does unshakable self-confidence arise: “I can be anything... fat, sad, unrestrained or stupid, but my parents are the most important people in my life, they love me! Because I am me! And there is no one exactly like me!” Unfortunately, our post-Soviet school also does not contribute to the growth of personal self-awareness. And by the end of it, young people are often only convinced that they are “not” successful, creative and talented enough. The media and social networks contribute to this, focusing our consciousness on the external attributes of success and attractiveness. Once you look there, any healthy and even self-confident person will develop an inferiority complex against the backdrop of this “vanity fair.” What can we say about those who doubt themselves. But one should not think that people with low self-esteem are not able to acquire self-confidence until the end of their days. Changing your self-awareness for the better is quite possible and not at all difficult. Working with a psychologist or psychotherapist (individual or in a group) aimed at correcting inadequate intrapersonal attitudes, working with behavioral stereotypes, developing correct behavior and consolidating it in practice allows you to radically change your life and achieve success both in personal relationships and in the professional field.