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From the author: Focus on making your life such that you are comfortable in it, and do not think about how others do it! What is remarkable about strong and successful people? What's so special about them? What makes others unwittingly imitate them and constantly compare themselves with them? The answer is simple: it is their strong character, a strong sense of confidence in their own strengths, knowledge and capabilities. They never compare themselves to anyone. Such people go towards their goals without looking back at anyone. Most people throughout their lives are in a state of dissatisfaction with themselves, their spouse, and their children. The husband is not as successful as his neighbor. The wife is not as well dressed as her colleague. Someone else's child is more developed and has greater skills and abilities. Parents are not such rich and influential people. Where does the harmful desire to make a comparative assessment with those around oneself come from? This habit has been going on since childhood, passed down from generation to generation. Grandfathers and grandmothers compared their children with the neighbors' children. They, in turn, compared the successes of their sons and daughters with the achievements of more successful children. Growing up, their story repeated itself with enviable consistency. And now almost all people are in pursuit of imitation. They want to hear approval, praise, to be on top, to have those things that a more successful, in their opinion, employee, friend, neighbor has. This makes you feel comfortable, improves your self-esteem and self-esteem. But this prevents you from living your life truly happily. Do you want to live and be happy? Do you want to not look back at anyone, and not imitate anyone? Stop comparing yourself and your children to anyone else. Start thinking right. Stop all attempts to compare yourself with others. Even mentally. All people are different and unique in their own way. This is how nature ordered it. Therefore, do not allow others to compare yourself with your neighbors, colleagues, or actors. There are no ideal people, remember this. Everyone is exactly the same people as you. If a person is good at one thing, he may be worse than someone else in many other “parameters.” Learn to compare your personality exclusively with yourself. Keep a diary. Record your progress. Write down your goals and ways to achieve them. Compare yourself to yourself, celebrate positive changes. It motivates. It works. Start doing something you've never done before. Speak at the meeting and express your point of view. Only the first time will be scary and awkward. Having left your usual comfort zone, you will find that you have defined its boundaries too narrowly. Having overcome shyness, you will become comfortable in your new environment. The method of setting goals for yourself works great. It would be good to get into the habit of writing down your New Year’s plans and your children’s plans for the next year with the whole family. When the next New Year arrives, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much you managed to achieve from what you planned. Don't look at other people's ideas. This will avoid wondering why someone else succeeded and you didn’t. Because these are not your ideas, not your plans. Plan only what is in the best interests of you and your entire family. Once you specifically define your goals, ideas, methods and means to achieve them will begin to appear. Live your life. Make your opinion a priority, not someone else’s. Focus on making your life such that you feel comfortable in it, and don’t think about how others do it! Dear friends, I have a public page on VKontakte. It's still quite new) Please support me by adding me as a member! https://vk.com/public174921844 I will be grateful to you!