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The student asked the master: “Master, I listen to all your recommendations, diligently perform the exercises and memorize the theory.” But I feel restless, uncomfortable. I don't know what I will do with my life. Teach me wisdom. - Wisdom cannot be taught, especially overnight. Remember one thing, that you can really move through life easily if you look inside yourself and look for answers within. - Teacher, please explain. - First of all, don’t give people the right to decide who you are. Take away their right to decide what you are good for and what you are not good for. What will bring you happiness and what will not. I notice how you rush around, how you doubt, how painfully you react to someone’s assessments. Even if something started to work out for you, such a breath of wind changes everything. Other people's words are just wind. What will happen if it is not the wind, but a real hurricane? A wise and strong person inside cannot be broken by any wind or hurricane. Because this man simply does not give power to this hurricane. Words and evaluations have no physical power, but they can destroy our insides. So start with the fact that this wind or hurricane simply does not concern you. Take away from others the right to decide who you are. Otherwise, you will never find yourself and become wise. Take away the right to decide what you are, take away the right to evaluate yourself. Good afternoon dear friends! I suggest you take a journey into the wonderful world of yourself and talk about self-esteem. How to be resilient to adversity, confident in making decisions, and value yourself. Self-esteem is an assessment of ourselves, our inner voice. Initially, this voice was external and sounded to us as the voice of significant, dear people. As we grow up, we back up our words with action. The more experience, the more confidence, the more repetitions, the more stable our self-esteem. Self-esteem can suffer. Excessive care or disregard for a child, comparison with others not in his favor, reproaches, nagging, ridicule, criticism, negative life experiences - this is a small list of reasons that form low self-esteem. Here is a small test: You compare yourself with others You often criticize yourself You You depend on other people’s opinions You don’t know how to refuse You don’t know how to accept compliments You think that you are not valued You are afraid of defeat You try to be invisible How many positive answers do you have? The more “yes”, the worse the relationship with yourself. You live with this person all your life and it is so important to be on good terms, value yourself, respect yourself, treat yourself kindly. Let's get to know each other better. Tell yourself your life story. About values ​​and plans, about what you can do, how you react to unforeseen situations, how you survive adversity, what helps you achieve what you want, what you are afraid of, what annoys you, what you can’t stand, whether you know how to relax or work until exhaustion... What You choose your thoughts and actions: to be unhappy or to overcome obstacles, strengthening your personality. Worry, worry or boldly make decisions and find peace of choice. Step by step, talking about ourselves, getting to know ourselves better, we remove layers of indecision and fears, choose what is important to us here and now in order to shape the desired future, respect ourselves, take care and be in good relations with ourselves. An honest conversation with yourself and conclusions about what to do is already half the success to improve your relationship with yourself Five recommendations on how to increase self-esteem Gratitude diary Buy a beautiful and convenient notebook in which you will enjoy keeping a diary or create gratitude notes on your phone or social networks The first day is the most significant. Take some time for yourself, get alone and start writing down the achievements of your life. Significant and not so significant. As much as possible. Write, read and listen to yourself. Feel how much you have achieved in life, thank yourself for it. Every night, write down seven things you are grateful for and remember to remember. You are an active participant in all events, you know how to notice and thank When keeping a diary becomes a habit, add the question “Forthat I love myself today? Just list in your diary up to 3 points for which you give yourself love today. Enjoy this feeling. Re-read your notes, create your fortune. Gratitude works wonders. It focuses on success, goodness, and opportunity. Being grateful is the simplest prayer. Let it help you appreciate, respect, love yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others. Every person has qualities that we admire. And we have qualities that others admire. Life is beautiful because we are all different and different. Imagine if everyone were the same, what a bland life would begin then. Think about your uniqueness, about your characteristics. We live in a society and our growth, the formation of ourselves depends on those who surround us, from whom we learn. What kind of environment do you have, supportive or otherwise? Who are your teachers? A teacher is not the one who teaches, but from whom we learn. What do you like about this person and what do you want to develop in yourself? What will your life be like when such qualities appear in your life. We learn from everyone who comes our way, we take the best that we pass through our soul, with each new day we become wiser and more mature, having found our voice.. The main thing is not to compare, but to take what you like and pass it through your filters and create new habits, skills, qualities. What do you like about yourself? Look at yourself and list the qualities, what you like about yourself, what you don’t like. Write down the qualities you don't like with a simple pencil. Does everything need to be changed? Maybe this is your potential, your growth area. Maybe these shortcomings can be used to serve a good cause, and they help achieve what you want, and these are all shortcomings. Maybe these are unloved wealth. Look at them in terms of antonyms and synonyms. Which ones do you want to replace with and how? Remember that the last word is yours, you are the author of your life. Only you know yourself best, only you know what makes you happier. Think about what you want to change on this list and what is important to you. Circle what you like with a pen, and erase what you don’t like with an eraser and in their place write down with a pen how to create wealth from this shortcoming. Think about what will help you improve your relationship with yourself and take action. Quietly with myself, I’m having a conversation. To understand yourself you need to have an honest, heart-to-heart conversation. Create a kind, good dialogue with the person in the mirror. Tell us why you care about being good in the eyes of others, why you are afraid of disappointing others and are so afraid to say “no.” Talk about life and changes, that your goals may change, that there are disappointments and fears. Dream about the future and the possibilities of achieving what you want, even in a state of uncertainty. How to say “yes” without fear and “no” without guilt. How to become visible, find your voice, find freedom. Self-esteem is related to how you perceive yourself. Appreciate and respect yourself, find support in yourself Live in the present, relying on the experience of the past and creating a happy future We each have a past, pleasant and unpleasant. Sometimes you don’t even want to remember some things. Don’t be tormented by the past, ask yourself for forgiveness for your mistakes, forgive and thank yourself for the courage and determination to admit and forgive. Value your life, be yourself. The past is like a rear-view mirror, which you can look into from time to time to see your path in the present to the future. To increase your self-esteem, it is important to focus on what really matters, here and now. Self-esteem is dynamic. It is like a muscle that needs to be exercised every day. If at any point you feel that you cannot cope on your own, seek help from a specialist to increase your inner well-being. This is a healthy practice. There are periods in a person’s life when he focuses on weaknesses and uncertainty. And it is so important to return to earth, gain stability and continue to live in harmony and rely on your opinion, on