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From the author: How to understand what I want if I don’t know what I want? How to understand yourself? How to come to awareness? How to live happily? Absolutely everyone doesn’t want to live their life meaninglessly, “to mess things up”, to make mistakes in choosing life goals, friends, work, partners, soulmate... It’s not possible to live life without mistakes, and that’s wonderful! - How can you know what day is if you have never seen night? And yet... The trouble is that people often live unconsciously, go with the flow, and don’t even think about it. - Why? As it goes, so it goes, everyone lives like that. Life itself puts everything in its place. There is a destiny, in the end, from which you cannot escape! - That’s how it is, but where does it come from then: “I don’t know why this happened?” "What should I do? Help!" “I can’t do this anymore!”....? Precisely out of unconsciousness! But what then is considered awareness? AWARENESS is a concept in modern psychology; is defined as continuous monitoring of current experiences, that is, a state in which the subject focuses on the experience of the present moment, without becoming involved in thoughts about past events or about the future. This is the ability of consciousness to introspect its own activities. This definition of awareness implies that subjective experiences can be perceived by the subject himself directly, without conceptualization, and are accepted as such. Awareness is included in the more general concept of mindfulness (Wikipedia). AWARENESS is the ability to give yourself an answer to four questions at any time: Who am I? Where am I going? How am I going? Why am I going? (E. Inozemtseva, D. Yurchenko) AWARENESS (awakening consciousness) is the main key practice for every person, which, passing as a red line through our entire life, adds harmony, efficiency, clarity, accuracy and precision to everything we do. If you feel that the situation is disharmonious and your actions are wrong, you just need to awaken awareness. And this is the best way out of any situation. (I. Satorin) It would seem that everything is clear. A lot has been written and sorted out about this, but what to do when it’s difficult to answer these questions? When I don’t know how, where and why?! What to start from? What to start from? Define the concepts! Not from the point of view generally accepted by society, but from your own - starting from your own feelings, sensations, desires. Listen to your soul! Try to think and develop your clear understanding of the fundamental things in life: 1. Love. What is it? How do I see this? What does love mean to me? What place do I define it in life? What do I want to achieve in love? How do I want to build relationships and interactions with those I love? What do I expect from those I love? How do I want to be loved, and what will I do for this? What will I do if suddenly...? (You can continue the list yourself)2. Happiness. What is happiness for me? How to achieve it? What will I do when I don’t feel happy? (You can continue the list yourself) 3. Family. What is family for me? How do I see my family? How is interaction built in it? How are the roles distributed? How are problems solved? What will I do if...? (You can continue the list yourself)4. Work. What type of activity do I dream about? What place should work occupy in my life? What are my resources to achieve what I want? How can I increase them? How do I see myself in my work life? What does it take to achieve this? How do I want to build relationships with colleagues? What will I do if...? (You can continue the list yourself) Perhaps not all vitally important items are listed here, but the meaning is clear. Add what you need yourself. What will it give?1. Understanding what you really want from life.2. Options for your actions in certain situations (it’s not so scary to do what you’ve already worked out in your mind)3. Timely response to the occurrence of situations that may entail negative consequences and their prevention or constructive search for solutions.4. Understanding your life goals -)