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The body and psyche are inextricably linked. If we have unresolved problems within us, suppressed emotions, or even stressful situations hidden in the subconscious, the body will signal us about all of this, one way or another. How? Various kinds of pain, tension, spasms in the body of unknown origin. When organically everything is in order, but there is pain. Such phenomena are called psychosomatics. And here, I really like the expression: When we get sick, we actually get better. It is customary to perceive any illness in the body as a punishment. A person begins to think: “Why do I need all this?” But in fact, you need to ask: “Why do I need this?” The body is our friend. Our body cannot go against us. It tries to help us, and through the language of pain to tell us that not everything is okay, that we need to take care of ourselves right now. CASE FROM PRACTICE: Girl, 21 years old. Request: frequent migraines for more than 10 years, every year it gets worse, examinations are in order, understands that the pain is hidden in the psyche. Let's go to childhood. We find out many interesting points. Briefly: up to the age of 5, she remembers herself as a cheerful girl, the memories are pleasant, bright. After 5, she changes dramatically, becoming a closed, withdrawn, quiet girl. Unpleasant memories: parents' scandals, psychological pressure from the father, she begins to be drawn into the syndrome of the rescuer for the mother from getting closer to the father (drawn into hidden psychological incest). During school years, social phobia and selective mutism appear. Difficulties in relationships with classmates, silence in class. At the same time, the girl, trying to feel safe, withdraws into herself and finds a way to get this very safety. She understands that when she is in an uncomfortable environment, she really needs to be close to her mother. She finds nothing better than to imagine that she has a headache. If she has a headache, her mother comes for her, or she herself goes to her mother, and everything is fine. Yes, mom is not always happy with this situation. But for a girl, as for any child, negative attention is also attention. The main thing is that she is safe. And since the girl was raised strictly and was forbidden to lie, she realized that she needed to have a real headache, then everything would definitely be fine. And she didn’t lie, and she ended up next to her mother. Thus, the headache mechanism was launched with his own hands. Such a deplorable situation was revealed as a result. Unfortunately, in her teenage years, this girl faced a number of unpleasant events: the death of loved ones, attempted rape, rejection by her parents... Of course, all this greatly aggravated the situation of her health, both physical and mental. Having worked through her childhood (this took years intermittently), the girl coped. Now she has built personal boundaries with her parents, communicates with them in conditions that are comfortable for her. The migraine has gone away, leaving behind a trace of the usual headache from overwork only a couple of times a month. She married a man who loves and accepts her. She learns to value herself, choose herself, and enjoy life as much as possible! This is the story. An example of how sometimes we choose a disease for ourselves, even unconsciously. But only thanks to this pain, it is possible to understand what is going wrong in our life, where we need to turn our attention, what to finally realize and let go...Register for a consultation Marina Kritskaya is an integrative psychologist for individual and couples (family therapy), Member of the Autonomous Communist Party. I will help with a deep understanding of issues related to the inner world and interpersonal relationships.Telegram: +7 999 233-28-97