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Once a young woman came to me with a request to help her understand herself and understand the reasons why she stopped enjoying life. Tatyana (name changed, permission to publish received) is married and raising two little children. Before having children, she worked for a large trading company and was a successful manager. She liked her work, her colleagues respected her and valued her for her professionalism. But after marriage and the birth of two wonderful children, her circle of interests gradually began to narrow. Household chores and raising children began to occupy all the young woman’s free time. Gradually, fatigue from the monotony of life began to accumulate. In addition, recently the young woman had a more tense relationship with her mother, who was trying to help her in her own way. Then I asked Tatyana what she was missing in life now and what could please her. She couldn't answer me. It was clear that she was lost in thought and trying to remember something. And then I suggested her a meditative exercise. It's called "Finding Your Joy." To begin with, I suggested that Tatyana relax her body with several deep inhalation and exhalation cycles. Having done this, the young woman closed her eyes. “Now imagine in your mind the image of your lost joy,” I told the client. “What is it like? What does the image look like? What shape and color? Is it something concrete or abstract? If an image could speak, what would it tell you?” said? What does he feel and what is he thinking?” The young woman was surprised at first, and then smiled and said: “You know, I saw an open book and a pen.” I asked her: “What does this book and pen mean to you, Tatyana?” The young woman replied that a book and a pen for her mean the creative process and self-expression. Later during the conversation, the client said that before having children she loved to write articles on my blog and dreamed of writing my own book. When she wrote and published her articles, she often found herself feeling joy and inspiration. The birth of two children brought joy into her life and at the same time a lot of troubles and worries associated with motherhood. She didn't take time for herself. She thought that later, someday, she would return to her favorite pastime. Time passed and her resources were exhausted. And although she loves her children very much, the joy became less and less, and fatigue quickly accumulated. By the end of the consultation, Tatyana was inspired, as she decided that she would set aside some time for herself and start writing articles for her blog again. In addition, she has topics for articles. She quickly listed to me what topics she would write about. Of course, the topic of raising and developing children was also there. In conclusion, I would like to say that we can get joy in life by doing what we like. You just need to allocate your time for this. What activities bring you joy? The pictures in the article are taken from the World Wide Web. If you were interested, I’m glad to see your “Thank you” and comments under the article. © Psychologist Lyudmila Dubenkova, 2021. All rights reserved. You can sign up for a consultation via a personal message on the website or by phone: +7-910-393-43-06 Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram