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Anything can happen. For example, it happens that someone is dissatisfied with their life. He is not comfortable in it. It seems to be pressing, or vice versa, hanging out in some especially important places. And he doesn’t like it, he spins around, but he can’t make this life better. And others so condescendingly hit the shoulder: “Well, what can you do, there’s only one life... hold on, be strong.” And they move away... this is the best option for his others. And others chuckle at him, even pay undue attention and correct him, by their example: “Well, don’t you see how it should be? Look, look how it is with me!” Or what else happens, some third others will give up altogether, saying that everything is clear to them and so on... and they will tell others what, how it’s going with him and what is clear to them. It’s awkward for him. Inconvenient. He frowns. Angry. He doesn’t want to listen to anyone, but he needs a way out. You won’t walk around like this, in such an uncomfortable life! At least run away from everyone! But what about without others? They care... well, that is, his inconvenience worries them, which means they are not indifferent to him, right? But one day, somewhere at the market, he heard about a tailor who makes life to size. I was inspired and found out the address. I was ready to give anything in order to adjust my life and make it more convenient. I came home and told one of my others, that is, I shared. Oh, that other one tried to dissuade him! He praised him that he was already walking well, and was doing very well! But something inside was calling to that address. He was drawn there. And he made a decision and went. He gathered all his inconvenient folds in life into a fist-bun and laid them out and straightened them out. all of them in front of the tailor, here, they say, fit me, make it more comfortable! And the tailor looks carefully, examines, thinks which side is better to approach, and the right way to start. And only then it became clear that the tailor would help, and they would work together! The conditions were such that it was impossible to even leave the tailor’s job and go home! And the tailor doesn’t charge anything for his work, but just money. The conditions seemed strange, but the decision was made. And the choice was made. “I agree to work with you,” he said to the tailor. And the work began.... They worked days and nights, they ripped, basted, sewed, sewed and darned, they made patches, found something not sewn there and sewed it there and again ripped out the old one, gluing and stitching. I'm making money. Often screaming in pain. Often wanting to give up everything. Often without believing in the result. But the result was gradually showing... On those rare days when they took breaks for rest and sleep, he noticed that some of the others did not say anything anymore. However, he might not have heard them anymore. And the others stopped looking at him. However, he did not expect their gaze. And he began to understand that he had made the right choice, made the right decision, having begun such difficult work. And he began to see how scary it was for others to even imagine what kind of work awaited them if they decided to contact that address. And he began to remember that he, too, had once been scared. It is terribly inconvenient in life not to fit. (c)FB_LINK