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From the author: An article about how to simply accustom yourself to the necessary habits and actions. The original is located at: Many of our endeavors fail not because we have weak willpower, or that we are bad, or something else. They collapse because we have bad memory. Or rather, the memory is simply short. And knowing this, you can begin to manage changes in your life. For example, many times I was going to start drinking 2 liters of water a day, but I didn’t do it because I kept forgetting. The solution was simple - make sure I always remember this. Now I have placed a jug of water on the window, and I will never be able to forget about it. Every day I see this reminder and in this simple way I finally started drinking water. If you want to instill new habits in yourself, make them visual. Then it will be much easier to stick to them. The second way to join a new habit is to remove the choice. For example, you want to eat healthy. Then don't rely on chance. Don’t think that when you come home from work hungry, you will care about preparing salads and boiling vegetables. Will not be! Well, it really won’t! When I come home hungry, I can eat in the hallway and in my outerwear. At these moments, I don’t care how unhelpful it is. To introduce wired power to yourself, make a choice without a choice. Take some time over the weekend to plan your meals for the week. Don't think you can make it up as you go along. Write a menu, buy products, and leave only those in the refrigerator. And think about your diet during working hours. Whether you want it or not, you will have to eat something healthy. This is a simple and ingenious solution. If you don’t have enough willpower, arrange everything so that there are no other options other than sticking to the chosen direction! Do you want to do yoga? – Put a rug on the sofa and sports things instead of household items. Do you want to learn English? – Stick new words on the toilet door or put a dictionary there (you still need to read something there). Have you planned to keep a gratitude diary? – Put it on the table or in your bag. Make it so that you actually can’t do anything until you complete your plan. Let everything around you remind you of new habits and commitments. Decide what habits you need and come up with tricks for yourself. Guaranteed, in time you will become a new person!