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I myself can’t believe that I’m writing this. Colleagues, don’t throw your slippers. With all the accessibility of psychology, I know very well that there are situations when right now there is no financial opportunity, sufficient conditions, space, etc. . for regular sessions with a psychologist. What can you do for yourself? Self-development is the obvious answer. Blogs, expert channels, “correct” books and films. What else? Below 5 points.1. KEEPING A DIARY In the world of stylists, this item would be called a must-have. It doesn’t matter what it looks like, where you keep it, its structure, regularity. It is important that you unload your thoughts, experiences and have the opportunity to return to the notes for analysis. And even in the future You can bring them to a psychologist. It can be easier to parse what has already been written than to remember the events at the meeting.2. SLOW DOWN If you live in nature, you have only 1-2 important areas in life - skip this point. If not, then remember, the brain, saving energy, does us a disservice. Hurry, a swarm of thoughts in my head, running after 10 birds with one stone. Why they ran at all and where to rush is unknown. How to help yourself? We do mindfulness exercises: breathing practices, meditation, pauses. 3. NORMALIZATION When you look in the mirror more often, tell yourself: “What I feel is normal.” Accepting any of your inner experiences is the key to emotional stability and adequate actions.4. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (Regular) The body is our faithful friend. Through it you can change your mood, have fun, experience sadness, change externally and internally.5. CREATIVITY At least watch/listen, but it is better to do and participate. Everything that gives rise to an emotional response in us changes our perception, expanding the boundaries of consciousness. Bonus point for those who already work with psychologists and coaches: ❗️HOMEMADE ❗️Just believe it. Your specialist is not sophisticated in complexity, does not assert himself at your expense, and does not even try to take away your precious time. He only wants you to quickly experience qualitative positive changes. I understand that there are conditions and difficulties in which it is better to contact a specialist, not wasting time. But all these points are excellent prevention of psychological health for any person. Which of them will you take for yourself??