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Recently, a client came to me who complained that she did not have enough energy for action. Despite the fact that she has a decent job, bought a bunch of courses and books, and made a plan for development for 3 years ahead and a list of goals... she did not feel the energy to apply knowledge in practice. The problem is sometimes complicated by the fact that in the process of watching educational videos and motivational posts, an image is formed in our head of who we must be in order to feel successful. Getting up at 5 am, contrast shower, an hour to work on yourself in the morning, a happy marriage, a big house, a beautiful car, a Hollywood smile... But sometimes our life is rarely suitable for photos on Instagram* and comparing ourselves with millionaires from California - people begin to devalue themselves. The main reason for procrastination is fear of failure. It triggers negative automatic thoughts, which sometimes sound like this: - I won’t succeed... - I don’t deserve a good life... - If I can’t do something - then it’s ideal, then why start acting... - I’m afraid of what others will say... If a person does not accept himself, with all his advantages and disadvantages, then sooner or later he slides into a feeling of inferiority. For example, a girl who believes that she should to be 10 cm narrower in the waist, one husband happier and a million dollars more successful - she will not accept herself for who she is. She will manically look for opportunities to increase her income, build relationships and lose weight... But in the evening, crying into the pillow, she will not regret the excess weight, but the fact that her inner, true needs will not be satisfied. - Hard work does not lead to freedom; - People build happy relationships even with excess weight; It’s all about psychological programs, which determine the quality of our life. The good news is that they can be changed, since each of us, already now, has all the resources to achieve ANY level of results. Right now, inside you there is a successful person who brilliantly solves all the issues in his life and achieves his goals. The main task is to demonstrate this part of the personality as often as possible. For this, I suggest a simple practice. Remember 3-5 events in your life when a miracle happened and you achieved your goal easily and with pleasure. Perhaps it was a successful project, a great date, achieving a difficult goal - I believe we all have similar experiences in our lives. Remember: - How did you feel then, did you think or act? - Were you focused on possible failures or the next step? - Remember how you breathed that time moment, deeply or intermittently? The easiest way to ignite yourself from within is to devote 3-5 minutes to breathing the way you breathed at the moments of your achievements, remember this moment, let it pass through yourself and you will feel a change in your body. Strong emotions in body modify our thinking. We literally begin to evaluate what is happening to us differently, make decisions and use our time differently. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but the road appears under the feet of the one walking. In order to get rid of procrastination and start a new life, I propose the following strategy: 1. Bring yourself to a peak state using the technique indicated above; 2. Write down: - how would you ideally like to see your new life, in all its nuances? The GOSPA life planning method is perfect;3. Set a goal for an unconscious achievement using the HCP mechanics;4. Work through the internal resistances that keep you in place; These 4 steps will change your psychological program of life and your subconscious mind will guide you in the right direction, easily and with pleasure. You can find all these techniques on our blog. If you have a question that If you would like to analyze it individually, then write to me in private messages and receive a free, introductory 20-minute consultation. For all questions: +79622633482 Daniil (WhatsApp) See you!* Instagram belongs to the company Meta,.