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Women are strong, men are not so much. And now in the East and, especially, in Europe, this trend is intensifying (I myself have repeatedly observed confirming pictures from life). But there is also a minority in which there are weak (Yin) women and strong (Yang) men. They are few, but they exist. It is this fact that makes us Amazons, dashingly galloping on fast horses and overtaking many male riders encountered along the way, dream of meeting strong, courageous princes and kings. But... These heroes are galloping along other roads unknown to feminist-minded women. Today the question is often asked: “How to attract, how to marry a strong (courageous, strong-willed, responsible, successful) man? How to make, fashion from your weak partner , design a strong one?” To such questions, alas, I have one answer - nothing. That is, there is an opportunity to attract a strong partner. But for this you must initially be a Yin woman (truly feminine). That is, soft, pliable, compliant, kind, accepting, uncritical, etc. And if you already have a partner with not very pronounced yang (masculine) qualities, but you continue to dream of a strong shoulder, then you have a good chance to personally and grow spiritually next to such a partner. Become soft and accepting so that your loved one becomes persistent and giving. If you are lonely, then become a real woman with pronounced feminine characteristics and a strong man will immediately stick to you. Nature is very wise and therefore you cannot deceive her. Minus is attracted to plus, masculinity to femininity. And not the other way around - a “strong” woman a priori cannot attract a strong man. Yes, they will not be able to meet, because their paths cannot cross. The current flows from negatively charged particles to positively charged ones... A strong man in a woman is attracted to lunar (female) energy, which is not enough in a “strong” woman. And long nails, floor-length skirts, ceiling-length eyelashes cannot direct the current in the “from minus” to “minus” type. You can’t fool nature, including men’s.