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Just as adults have a job, there is a very important activity in a child’s life. It's a game. And his future may depend on what games your child plays. A game for a child is his “work”. With the help of play, a child gets to know himself and the world around him, develops his physical and mental abilities, learns to communicate with others, demonstrates and, as it were, tests his character. Therefore, play for a child is not just a game, it is a necessary condition for normal growth and all subsequent development. It is in play that a child initially gains experience for building relationships in adulthood and lays the foundations for his future. As a rule, until the age of three, a child’s play cannot actually be called a game. Play arises when a child begins to play role-playing games with peers, when one object acts as a symbol for another object or creature. By observing what games a child prefers to play, parents can determine what kind of temperament he or she has. Brief background: The earliest recorded classification of temperaments belongs to Hippocrates. It is the most widely known and we will stick to it. This great philosopher and physician believed that the basis of a person’s character is a mixture in the human body in a certain ratio of four types of fluids: Blood - “sangva” mucus - “phlegm” bile - “chole” black bile - “melanchole” Thus, depending on depending on which fluid predominates in a person, he identified four types of temperaments. The basis of temperament is the properties and ability of the nervous system to perceive the world around us, process information, and cope with emerging tasks. A child is initially born with a certain temperament. Let's try to figure out how, with the help of games, we can help develop his character's weaknesses and make full use of his strengths. Sanguine people are professors of the game. They are born from birth to play and infect others with their play. They are active and friendly, sociable and energetic, get along easily with others and adapt to new surroundings. Their mood is even, without emotional jumps and outbursts. They fall asleep quickly and easily and wake up in a good mood. These are the suns that light up everything around them with energy and movement. They do not hold grudges against their offenders for long. They are easily interested in new things. They are obedient and quite unproblematic for parents. On the other hand, they often lack their own opinion. They often change their attachments and friends, and they quickly get bored with toys. It is difficult for sanguine children to finish what they have started. They are not easy to accustom to responsibilities. Having become interested in something and not calculating his strength, a child can get tired and quickly cool down, so such children cannot be called assiduous. He finds it difficult to play one game or toy for a long time. If something doesn’t work out for him, he doesn’t get very upset. It’s easier for him to do something else that works out. A sanguine person will not fight and achieve a goal; he would rather do something that does not require much effort. Therefore, sanguine children should try to teach perseverance and determination. For this purpose, all kinds of construction sets, puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, transformers, and electronic games could not be better suited. In other words, these should be games that require long-term concentration. To prevent the optimism and cheerfulness of a sanguine person from developing into frivolity and inconstancy, one must teach him to patiently achieve his goals. The parent’s task is to maintain the child’s interest in a toy or game, to make the imagination work, showing how else you can play with the same toy. If you see that the child is already tired of this game, switch him to another type of activity, do not force him to do it. It’s good to know moderation in everything. And later you can return him to the same toy again. It is important for parents to teachyour little sanguine boy to do the job efficiently. Let him have his own responsibilities around the house - neatly put his things in the closet, arrange the plates for dinner, pour water for the pet - whatever, but so that you can ask him for the result. Don't ignore scattered pencils or shoes thrown off anywhere. If the job is done poorly, let him redo it. Your child needs constant and unobtrusive control and prompting, reminders of what else needs to be done. Be sure to praise your child for a job done carefully. To teach your child to dress independently for a walk outside, you can draw with him a sequence of items of clothing, what to wear for what, and hang it in the hallway or next to the wardrobe. Sanguine children have a tendency to change friends often. Try to teach him to enjoy old friends, help him find new games and common ground for them. Teach your child to communicate with peers, but to play according to the rules. Teach your child to be friends. And don’t forget that they educate first of all by their own example. Phlegmatic people. From the outside it may seem that a phlegmatic person is a problem-free child, but this is not at all the case. This is one of the most complex types of mental organization. A phlegmatic child does not like change in anything. Their facial expressions cannot be called mobile; they generally show little emotion. They love to sleep, fall asleep well and quickly, but wake up with difficulty. They think for a long time before doing something, speak and move slowly. But they can easily do monotonous work. Therefore, they are happy to play games that require accuracy, perseverance, and calmness. Phlegmatic children have difficulty joining the children's team and do not like to participate in children's parties. They are not sociable at all. In kindergarten, it is difficult for them to get used to new faces, conditions, routines, and to part with their parents. However, having gotten used to it, a phlegmatic child will obey teachers, follow all the rules, neatly fold his things, and use the potty. He loves order in everything. The child is a phlegmatic person - a scoundrel by nature. He does everything slowly. Don't try to push him or rush him. And especially don’t scold him for it. From criticism, a phlegmatic person will fall into even greater thoughtfulness and slowness. But you shouldn’t do something for him, as this can lead to laziness and even greater passivity. Although he does everything slowly, he does it thoroughly and conscientiously. A phlegmatic child is little emotional. Therefore, parents should pay his attention to other people, their feelings, relationships with them, and teach him to be sensitive. It would be nice to have a pet at home that the child could care for and feed. Take a closer look at who your little phlegmatic is friends with, see if there are any obvious leaders among his friends, and if they command him, since he willingly obeys leadership. A phlegmatic person rarely suggests what to play; he seems to observe life from the outside. However, they have a well-developed imagination, he even knows how to play “in his head,” but he fails to bring his games into real life. Therefore, he must be supported in this in every possible way, increase his self-esteem, and praise him more often. At first, try to protect your child from games where he can lose. First, he must, in principle, be interested in the game process itself. For these children, games where you need to move more are better suited. If these are cubes, then they are large, so that you have to walk with them, if they are cars, then they are also large, so that you need to make more movements to roll them. Arrange a sports corner in his room. Also teach your child to differentiate emotions and feelings. You can draw several faces that would express different emotions (joy, resentment, anger, impatience, boredom), and using these pictures teach him to track his own. You should definitely play role-playing games with him, where you can argue, defend your opinion, and find a compromise. Give him an active role in the game, andnot passive, main, not secondary. Your child benefits from all outdoor games and hardening. Gradually teach him to play competitive games, where he will have to develop quick reaction, speed, and the ability to act quickly according to the situation. Visit him more often. Give him small, momentary instructions - run to throw the candy wrapper in the trash bin, give money at the checkout. Watch how your child does something, warn him how much time he still has left for this task, when it’s time to finish, otherwise it will take him half a day just to get started. A phlegmatic child, if left to himself, does not bother his parents hassle. But do not fall for such dubious “convenience”, it can develop into laziness and apathetic indifference. A melancholic person is a sensitive and vulnerable, acutely reactive and sensitive, responsive, delicate and empathetic child. He is withdrawn and indecisive. He gets tired quickly and has difficulty regaining strength. He takes a long time to fall asleep, loves to sleep and does not like to get up. These children show their emotions with restraint; it seems that they do not know how to cry or laugh, but only cry quietly or smile timidly. It is difficult for them to ask for something; instead, they will look for a long time and plaintively at the desired object, which is out of reach. They do not like loud sounds or noisy games. As a rule, a melancholic child plays alone or with a trusted, reliable friend to whom he will not lose. Melancholic people generally do not know how to cope with failure; having lost, they are unlikely to play the same game. A melancholic child gets upset over any trifle, remembers insults and failures for a long time, and does not know how to endure difficulties. Therefore, it is very important to teach them to distract themselves from constant soul-searching and chewing on grievances within themselves. We must constantly shift their attention to the positive aspects of the situation and to other external life events. It’s not bad if you temper your little melancholic, do exercises with him, get him interested in sports, where he could learn to overcome obstacles. Without showing outward emotions, internally melancholics are very worried. Their unexpressed reaction is not indifference. Parents of melancholic people are often irritated because of their inattention, lethargy, and forgetfulness. But such a child is simply not able to concentrate on something for a long time. He quickly gets tired of new information, new impressions, and new people. Such a child definitely needs a comfortable home environment, where he would be surrounded by care and love. For a melancholic child, you can buy toys a little “for growth” in order to awaken his interest and desire to understand how the toy works. Design kits are well suited for them, from the parts of which you can assemble different models. He needs to be given time to adapt to new toys; it would be good to show different possibilities of playing with the same toy. Various militaristic toys will not hurt - pistols, soldiers, robot warriors. Do not involve him in competitive games of speed and dexterity. This is absolutely not his area. It would be better if his games were not of a competitive nature and at first would be individual - bicycle, skates, rollers. And even better would be practicing various types of art - music, singing, drawing. He will diligently stage home plays, play pantomime, compose fairy tales with you, learn songs and rhymes. In general, melancholic people need a gentle regimen - don’t give a lot of toys at once, try to fill the house with a lot of friends, often take him to children’s events .Do not try to take them “weakly” and do not put pressure on weak points. Try not to be overly strict with him or even raise your voice. Better find something to praise him for. And praise him even more when he himself has done something new. Be proud of him, tell everyone what a wonderful and independent child you are growing up. This will make him grow wings and give him the strength to do new things. Choleric is a typhoon child. He needs everything at once and preferably alreadyyesterday. And if he fails to get it, he will throw a tantrum for a long time. Unbalanced and easily excitable, they generally fall into hysterics over any little thing. They have an active face and fast speech and movements. They themselves are energetic, it seems that life itself is boiling around them. But they lack self-control and patience. They are aggressive, too straightforward and this can alienate their friends from them. It is difficult for them to fall asleep, their sleep is light, but in the morning they are again ready to rush into battle. The nervous system of choleric people is very mobile. Therefore, a couple of hours before bedtime, parents need to avoid noisy games, watching TV, etc. Such a child constantly keeps parents in suspense. It is useful to direct the activity of choleric people in a creative direction, to involve them in helping around the house. But remember that they cannot do one job for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate activities to maintain his interest. From childhood they must be taught the rules of behavior among people - not to interrupt others, not to shout, to be able to apologize, to ask politely. But shouting and swearing will not achieve anything from him. This will make him even more excited and nervous. It is better to calm him down first, and then explain what would be the best course of action. Otherwise, out of the spirit of contradiction, next time he will definitely do the wrong thing to spite you again. They are very independent and do not allow themselves to be commanded from a very young age. Screaming, slapping, or pulling back will not help. The main weapon in raising choleric people is patience and again patience and calmness. Choleric children are mobile, it seems that they are in several places at the same time. Their games are always noisy, even if it's just drawing. They themselves always strive to become ringleaders and leaders in the company. They do not know how to play calm games that require concentration and perseverance. But it is exactly these kinds of activities that we should try to accustom them to. But we also need to give an outlet to the energy seething in them - take them to sports, where there is a competitive spirit, let them play plenty of outdoor games. Do not try to limit his mobility. Choleric children do not know how to cope with their ebullient temperament on their own. They are quick-tempered, provoke conflicts and get into fights. They love to work for the public, they need others to see how great he is at everything and to praise him. They make the rules themselves and break them themselves. They have a sharp mind, they easily absorb information on the fly, but due to restlessness, they just as easily forget it. Therefore, you need to play calm intellectual games with them, for example, where you need to remember several objects and name them from memory. At the end, reward him with something. They are not interested in playing aimlessly. They play not for the sake of the game itself, but to achieve results. A choleric person is unlikely to appreciate a construction set or a puzzle, but will endlessly play table football or billiards, skittles, and throw darts. He is shown all the ball games, as well as all sorts of climbing frames, runners, and jumping ropes. The main thing is to organize his game of competition so that he sees their goal. Go to the dacha more often, go hiking. Like sanguine people, they care little about the feelings of other people, so pay their attention to this side of life. You can come up with such a game - depict various feelings on your face, and let him try to guess them. Then switch roles. The psyche of choleric people is less mobile than that of sanguine people, therefore his interests and goals are more stable, which allows him to more confidently go towards his intended goal and achieve his goal. Find a worthy use for his energy and, with proper organization, he can become an effective helper around the house. Try to teach him to draw, sculpt, embroider, and board games. This will set the stage for school. It is useful to come up with relaxation games for choleric children - lying on their backs, bouncing their legs and arms, releasing tension from them, moving their arms as if we were flying through the sky, etc. Not a single temperament is found in its pure form. A person's character is.