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The topic of devaluation is most often raised in the context of relationships with other people, for example: a loved one devalues ​​your feelings, parents devalue your problems, and friends devalue your decisions. But for some reason they rarely talk about devaluation specifically in the format of relationships with themselves. But the worst thing happens to those who devalue themselves: they do not praise themselves for their achievements, they do not see their good qualities and actions, they do not recognize their strengths. I recently spoke with the girl who told me about a promotion at work. And when I asked how she managed to get a highly paid work project, she said the phrase: “Yes, I didn’t do anything to get it, I was just lucky!” In one second, the girl devalued the many hours of work on her resume, her experience, and creativity , many years of work on my professional image, attributing it all to some kind of illusory luck. Remember, few things happen for nothing. A happy and strong relationship is the result of two people who spend a lot of time, effort and resources in order to support and care for each other. A highly paid position or a successful career means many years of work on your professional and communication skills. Now think about how often you devalue your own achievements or actions, thinking that you had absolutely nothing to do with them? Do you often think that you were just lucky? Do you often attribute your merits to other people or the Universe? It's time to look at the situation objectively and regain everything that you have devalued for so long. This is not a dress of a good style, but YOU did a great workout in the gym and created your beautiful figure. This is not a good job offer, and YOU have invested a lot of effort and time to get noticed among professionals. Remember, your relationship with yourself shapes your reality. If you don’t value yourself, then who will value you? If this topic is close to you, you don’t know how to stop criticizing and devaluing yourself, then I invite you to my transformation course “Academy of Happy Women”, where we will work with your negative attitudes , self-worth, a sense of femininity and attractiveness, as well as your harmonious relationship with yourself. The course starts on March 25, more detailed information on my Instagram page*. And in honor of the holiday, there is an extremely interesting offer. Links to my social networks: INSTGR_LINK https://vk.com/psiholog.zelina* Instagram belongs to the Meta company, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.