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Unfortunately, a person is extremely easy to manipulate, especially in the age of information overload, when the person himself “allows other authorities” to convey to himself some opinion on various issues, so as not to overload and burden himself own search and study of the topic. If we touch upon Russia in this matter, then we get two such groups: ultra-patriots with fanatical thinking and the opposition / liberal public with catastrophic thinking. For the first, everything is good, for the second, everything is bad. Two extremes without an attempt at constructive assessment. And if in the first case we are faced with a positive assessment and sometimes a manifestation of aggression, then in the second case we are dealing with people in a negative / catastrophic worldview. And what is important: both the first and the second are extremely easy to manage, because they are outside the conscious, rational and mature worldview and live in someone else’s fantasy-projective world. And if we do not touch on state issues in this issue, but concentrate specifically on the personality of a person with catastrophic thinking, then sooner or later it takes on the form of catastrophic consciousness, where it occurs a constant shift of emotions towards worry, fear, anxiety, uncertainty, which leads to an emotional-sensual imbalance that gradually becomes permanent. In psychology, a significant part of personality problems comes from childhood / parents / clan / home; Thus, in order to completely destroy or begin to destroy the psyche of even a more or less stable person, it is necessary to begin to destroy his childhood / his family / his home. By depriving a person of these values, you will get a person who does not have the identification of his own “I”. In crisis psychology, mechanisms have long been identified that allow the formation of mass catastrophic consciousness (according to the Russian psychiatrist P.I. Sidorov): 1) Anonymity, which gives a certain freedom of thoughts, feelings and actions;2) Generalization, which allows you to generalize individual facts and create a general picture of the world;3) Expanded reproduction and dissemination of catastrophic feelings, thoughts from person to person;4) Uncontrolled dissemination of catastrophic information;5) Polymorphic (diverse, multiform) deformation of consciousness as a result of manipulation; 6) Deformation of personal identity; 7) Induction (from particular to general) due to imitation with subsequent grouping; 8) Multimodal resonance, as a multiple response to events, situations, opinions, etc.; 9) Mindsight - as the ability to perceive and be aware of the thoughts and feelings of other people or oneself by focusing attention. Good advice for self-development, based on the points presented above, is to observe the media and sources that you read. Don’t just accept what they tell you, but look at it with critical perception from the outside. After all, in the end, you may or may not like certain political figures, but your love/rejection will not affect the well-being of these people, but it will This will have a very noticeable effect on your psyche. You will only spend your whole life on hatred, anxiety, which can turn into illness and a life lived aimlessly. By giving up your identity, humiliating your home and your family, you will not be able to deceive your unconscious, which knows who you are, and time after time it will create conflict and tension that will one way or another exhaust you and your central nervous system. How can you protect yourself and get out of catastrophic consciousness? Mental hygiene. Development of critical thinking (look at the situation from different angles, try to figure it out yourself, check information, compare similarly comparable things, use constructive criticism, think no longer “how bad everything is”, but “how it can be done well” - improve and change something from your position, from your position in society). Engage in self-analysis (look for the causes of bad feelings, states, attitudes;).