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From the author: The experience of parting, the most significant from the point of leaving scars and scars on the canvas of the personality. But he can also change his “trace”, washed away by new waves of love and a more mature attitude towards life and its consequences, remembering the golden words of Solomon that everything passes, and this stage in life, of course, too... 12 life lessons, It’s as if 12 heroes appear before a person from the abyss of life almost always unexpectedly. Which of them will be the main one at a given moment in time is not always within the power of either the mind or the imagination. Only after some time, the soul will begin to “connect” to the process of understanding and “digesting” what is happening or what has happened. But in any case, all of today’s humanity is going through the lesson of LOVE. True, each of us has our own shades of disappointment... So once again in my life I was faced with a situation where I cannot in any way influence events. And changing my attitude towards them, as I usually did, turned out to be an incredibly difficult task. And all because in this very respect there is a double bottom. For changing Love is the most difficult task possible. Changing love from personal, passionate, all-pervasive and all-encompassing to impersonally unconditional, this is analogous to climbing the Everest of feelings, when they have nowhere else to manifest themselves, and all that remains is to distantly observe the dying nature of the previous relationship. An irresistible feeling The sudden surge of loneliness is understandable, because all the seething and dynamic life remained at the foot. And this is not someone else’s, not abstract, but your painfully dear, convulsively ecstatic, blissfully delightful and grateful life... Never before could I imagine how painful and painful it is to experience a kaleidoscope of contradictory feelings and surging emotions under an icy shower of catharsis. And even the soul that cares and guides the person on the path of truth is now unable to help, except to try with its boundless ocean of tears to wash the gaping wounds that are in no hurry to heal. There is some kind of tragicomic quality in this new state for me. For, rising to my own peak of spirit, I always felt the suffering and pain of the world, but my own pain turned out to be much more powerful, filling every cell of my being, as if all the unrequited and non-reciprocal love of humanity rushed over me overnight... There is always a way out... At least it should to be. The soul knows and sees and feels this, but is conspiratorially silent, as if it decided that it’s time for the individual to learn his main lesson - ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance of the reality that has always existed, but for some reason still eluded awareness, dissipated by the breeze of tender feelings and sweet memories. Maybe really all that remains in the past is maya, the illusion of my hopes and expectations that did not withstand the first serious inspection feelings previously directed in my direction. After all, the finitude and limitations of a person in love can truly be felt by her organs of comprehension of the world and herself - feelings. But for some reason, the feelings convey by no means the illusory sensations of a character aching and pulling on the strings of the soul with a mournful, drawn-out sigh. Still, Maya is not a simple thing, but it opens the eyes of the individual to the fickle and changeable nature of a woman, making one think that her fidelity, how faith in your divinity can be washed away like a tidal wave by another, more significant divinity for it. And this is its true earthly essence and nature. And this is the root of all worries. cataclysms of life. Well, the storm warning, which sounded more than once, and was not taken seriously by me, was once confirmed. And this is a stubborn and indisputable fact. It remains to take it for granted, turning the pages of my life and starting everything from scratch, without forgetting about a sense of discrimination, so that the illusion of self-deception does not creep in again and become accustomed to the personality, subsequently dousing it with the hot boiling water of misunderstanding. And this is another lesson in LIFE and its name is VIGILANCE. Although if you look at your life from a different angle, you will see