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In psychology, it is customary to consider three main sources of the formation of narcissistic disorder. Let's talk about all three today. First source. Raising a child in an atmosphere in which he always seems to be the most important person in the family, a kind of king in the family. They blow off specks of dust from him, telling him that she is the best, exceptional, special. Not like everyone else. The problem is that for such an attitude, parents demand that the child fully meet their expectations. If he is not number one, not a winner, has not followed these instructions fully, he is a real traitor. The child has to come to terms with circumstances, and therefore he gets used to the fact that he will only be loved ideally, only when he is in image. As such an image, he creates an image of a grandiose, ideal self, in which, like in a cocoon, he hides, so that no one would think that he cannot do something, that he is not ideal in some way. Second source. The opposite situation. The child grows up in an atmosphere of complete rejection and unlove. The child acts as a scapegoat, he is constantly to blame for everything, he is wrong. He is constantly humiliated, devalued, and may be beaten. In fact, parents need it for self-affirmation or revenge. The child grows up, confident that he is a complete nonentity - because his mother says so. For him, any relationship and interaction has strength and reality only if it is full of humiliation, pain and devaluation. Such a narcissist also survives due to the image he creates. In this case, this is the image of a cynic who will humiliate and devalue everyone around him before people have the opportunity to do it first. Third source. Lack of fullness. In this case, the child is simply ignored. Sometimes intentionally, but most often simply because he really has no time for it. This happens in the families of narcissists, alcoholics, drug addicts. And this type of narcissist also has his own image. The image he comes up with for protection, to hide his real self. Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +79202946939 Skype: ktatian1